Pair your sundress with a fragrance made for the season. Due to the heat and humidity, it’s always better to skip sweet scents and go for light aromas that linger.

The start of summer requires a change in wardrobe. If your usual perfumes are strong and have sweet aromas, your fragrances need a makeover as well. Summer calls for a lighter, breezier scent that cools the body and lingers on despite the heat.

Here are a few fragrance types to look through to find the perfect scent for you:

  1. Floral scents are a classic: While the stronger floral blends are a strict no go for the season, try a single-toned scent like Vera Wang Truly Pink. Such scents are just the right amount of strong. If you’re prone to headaches, it’s always better to skip the floral and go for another choice.

  1. You can’t go wrong with vanilla! While many perfumes featuring vanilla may be strong and riddled with artificial ingredients, a top quality vanilla scent is perfect for any occasion in summer. DKNY Pure is an example of a clean and fresh perfume that isn’t overpowering.

  1. Stay beachy with sea and mint: Sea scents are cooling and are strong enough to stay on you till the next day. Pick up fragrances like Davidoff Cool Water that are subtle yet effective. Such perfumes are mixed in water as well, making them light and perfect for people who can’t stand strong smells.


  1. Pick up some eau de cologne: Eau de cologne is the lightest aroma and perfect for those with a sensitive nose. Despite being faint, it clings onto you. These scents use essential oils like lavender and bergamot. One of the best and classic scents is the Ice Eau De Cologne.


  1. Nothing says summer like citrus: For a fruity freshness all day, try citrus fragrances: perfumes with lime, orange, lemon and grapefruit notes. Most citrus perfumes have an undertone of floral smells. Tom Ford offers a distinctive citrus-fused eau de parfum that is perfect for evening events.

Take your time to look for the right perfume for you, one that you enjoy and that pairs well with the prickly summer. Stay away from spice, patchouli, overwhelming florals, and sugary aromas. Smell good despite the heat.