Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Tag: #Lifestyle

There’s No Place for Self-Doubt When you’re Running a Business

Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing...

Why Is Black the Most Sought-After Color When You Are a...

You can never go wrong with black. It’s a color that is versatile, stylish and the best for formal occasions.I’ve always loved wearing black....

Attending a Conference? Here Are a Few Dressing Tips to Keep...

Confused about what to wear to a conference? No worries, we give you practical and easy tips…As an entrepreneur, chances are that you will...

10 Tips to Eat Healthy for Busy Entrepreneurs

Do you skip breakfast every morning because you have no time to eat (or don’t have the inclination)? When you are busy with work,...

Choosing the Right Summer Fragrance

Pair your sundress with a fragrance made for the season. Due to the heat and humidity, it’s always better to skip sweet scents and...

Achieving Zero Waste – The Amazing Story of Bea Johnson

Stinky dustbins, landfills that are brimming with inorganic, non-degradable wastes, and pollution of air, water and soil – how can one not be overwhelmed?...