Home Biz Management Do Packaging Inserts Help in Customer Retention? Of Course They Do!

Do Packaging Inserts Help in Customer Retention? Of Course They Do!

Try to recall the last time you ordered Chinese takeout. Did you get only the food along with plastic cutlery and sachets of sauces or did you also get a bunch of menus and coupons stuffed in there as well? Have you ever wondered why they do that? So that the next time you see the restaurant’s menu or coupon lying around, you get reminded about them and decide to order takeout from them again! Such a convenient and cost-effective idea to get more sales, right? That is exactly what packaging inserts do for your business.

Packaging inserts present you with unending opportunities when it comes to getting creative. It is your chance to surprise a customer with a freebie or a discount they can use the next time, and in the process, make them feel good towards your brand. Here are four types of packaging inserts your business could give a try!

Hand-written thank you cards

1. Thank you cards: If you are a business owner, especially of a small business, consider sliding in a handwritten thank-you note along with the product that you are about to send out. The industry trends suggests more and more millennials are cutting off ties with mass-producing big labels and choosing to support small businesses, wearing ethical clothing in an attempt to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. So, a gesture as small as a thank-you card in the form of packaging inserts can go a long way in carving out a space in their hearts for your brand.

2. Samples: It is true that small businesses don’t spend a lot of money on advertising. A lot of their new clients come in as a result of word-of-mouth publicity by other customers of the brand. What is one way to get them to try a new line of products that your brand is soon launching? By sending them free samples of new products along with the order they placed! Also, encourage them to share the sample with a friend.

People take to social media to share wonderful (as well as terrible) experiences they have with brands. Chances are that your gesture would have struck a note with a bunch of your customers and it would make its way to social media one way or the other. Which translates into positive and free publicity for your business!

3. Discounts and offers: Whether it is a discount on their next purchase, free shipping, a cashback or a freebie, customers love a good deal from a good brand. Including packaging inserts will definitely ensure that they return to your brand to avail your offer. Voila, you just turned a first-time customer into a repeat buyer! Moreover, gestures such as these can make them feel special and be the beginning of a long-term relationship with your brand.

4. Brand ambassador invites: Small brands cannot afford to sign on a celebrity to be the face of their brand. They depend on loyal customers—ordinary people like you and me—to spread the word. How wonderful would you feel if your favorite brand reached out to you to become one of their brand ambassadors for social media? You would be thrilled! Include a brand ambassador invite or even a cute, little badge when you ship a product to your loyal customers and invite them to be an active part of your brand.

These are all inexpensive ways to get a one-time buyer to turn into a repeat buyer. After all, it is the repeat buyers, the loyal ones, who see a business to its success. Give these ideas a shot, and always remember that garnering customer loyalty ought to be at the heart of every brand’s business plan.