Home Environment Green Business Ideas for the Environment-Conscious Entrepreneur

Green Business Ideas for the Environment-Conscious Entrepreneur

This is the best time to launch an ecofriendly or green business!

With global warming and climate change looming over our heads like dangerous black clouds, the world is going green. Today, consumers are leaning towards eco-friendly, green products because they want to do their bit for planet Earth. Be it millennials or Generation Z, studies have found that people are willing to pay more for sustainable or green products.  According to a recent Nielsen global online study, “Despite the fact that millennials are coming of age in one of the most difficult economic climates in the past 100 years, they continue to be most willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings—almost three-out-of-four respondents in the latest findings.”

Businesses that are rooted in environment-friendly practices or have green values, are poised to grow because today’s consumers are environmentally aware and want to use products that don’t harm the planet.

If you are passionate about the environment and would like to start your own business, here are some green business ideas for you. This way, you, as an entrepreneur, will be doing your little bit to making the world a greener place while also developing a profitable business.

Reduce, re-use, recycle

Recycling: In India, fortunately, recycling is still very much a part of our psyche. We recycle papers, bottles, cans, etc. So, you could always start a recycling business. You could collect materials and recycle them into finished goods or sell them to businesses that specialize in recycling.

Eco-friendly clothing: Sustainable clothing is becoming more and more popular. If you are a fashion designer, you could create a USP for your business with eco-friendly clothes or recycled clothes.

Trash collection: Many cities in India have begun to outsource trash collection. You could always bid for something like this. It is a profitable business and you will be helping in keeping the environment clean.

Organizing organic farmers’ markets: Increasingly, people are looking to buy local produce that is pesticide free. Why not get organic farmers in your area together and have farmers’ markets in different areas of your city? Soon, you will develop a loyal clientele.

Organic store: Yes, we are veering towards things organic – be it veggies, pulses, rice, or even snacks. You could sell your organic goods in a brick and mortar shop and online as well.

Green blogging: If you have the writing skills, are passionate bout the environment and knowledge about climate change, global warming, etc, you could start an exclusive blog. It will draw readers who are as ardent as you about the environment.

Environment publication: We have fashion magazines, news magazines, health magazines, etc. But how many magazines are there devoted to the environment? Are you passionate about it? Do you have the funds to start a magazine? If so, go ahead. You will attract like-minded readers.

Organic restaurant: Why not open a specialized restaurant that offers organic food and healthy eating options? Almost everyone today is looking to eat healthy. And the farm to fork concept has caught on in a big way globally.

Recycled paper bags: In India, the raddiwallah is a familiar sight. People sell old newspapers in return for money. You could craft smart gift bags using old newspaper. It’s chic and environment friendly!

Upcycled furniture: Here’s another way to be ecofriendly. You could reutilize old furniture into smart designs. There’s always a market for furniture and with a USP of stylish recycled designs, you could build a loyal clientele.

Green beauty salon: So many people are scared to apply chemical-based creams, cosmetics and shampoos on themselves. On the one hand, we don’t know what harm these chemicals cause to our bodies. On the other hand, these chemicals pollute our waters. A beauty salon that offers chemical-free products would certainly draw people who want healthy, chemical-free options for their beauty regime.

Natural cosmetics and beauty products: Be it Ayurvedic products or aromatherapy products, there is a huge market for herbal, natural, chemical-free cosmetics. I know so many people who swear by handmade soaps because they are so much easier on the skin. Brands like Kama Ayurveda and Forest Essentials are doing roaring business offering natural products that are wholesome and effective

Developing green apps: If you are a tech whiz, you could consider developing green apps like indicating recycling centers or organic stores in your city or in the country. Or listing all ecofriendly brands. Or carbon footprints for different activities. Use your imagination!

Green house cleaning products: This is another area with great potential. Our household cleaning products are laden with chemicals. And for those who have children and pets especially, these products can be harmful. Why not come out with a range of products that are not harmful, and are environment friendly too?

Composter: More and more people are getting into gardening. Be it gardens in their homes, or terrace gardens or even trying to grow a patch of green in their verandahs. Composting can be a problem for many because they lack the space or the knowledge. You could start a composting business and sell the service to aspiring gardeners.

Used bookstore: Books use up paper, which in turn uses up wood. So, used books are an environment friendly option for bibliophiles. And that tribe is unlikely to decrease. You could start a neighborhood bookstore or even sell used books online. You have so many options. You could sell all kinds of books or specialize in kids’ books or textbooks or fiction or non-fiction. Fitness books, cookery books, travel books, biographies…the choice is vast.

Secondhand shop: Why stop with books? You could have a store that sells secondhand goods. Find your niche product or range of products and you’re ready to go. Today, there is a huge market for secondhand luxury goods. You could look at that.

Plant shop: Nothing says green more than plants! You could start a plant shop that sells a variety of plants, seeds, soil, ecofriendly pots and more. You could even extend this to a plant delivery service in your city for offices and business establishments.

Green gift shop: This is such an exciting prospect because there are so so many products you can stock up for gifting from soaps and shampoos to organic foods to seeds to pretty plants. Baskets made from natural sources. Organic hampers. Handmade toys. Handicrafts…the list is endless!

I could go on and on about green business ideas. It’s something so close to my heart! Go green and make a commitment to sustain planet earth. You are doing something worthwhile and making money too. Isn’t that a great way to live?