Home DIY 10 Alternatives to the Traditional Birthday Cake

10 Alternatives to the Traditional Birthday Cake

Trade the conventional birthday cake in for these delectable desserts for your next birthday celebration.

Birthday cakes have been around for a long time, but it has only been a little over a century since they’ve become a part of mainstream culture. These cakes have become an integral part of birthday parties, so much so that we are unable to imagine birthday parties without them! But not everybody likes cakes (hard to believe, but true) and you might be looking to shake things up a bit at your friend/kid’s next birthday party. So, here are 10 alternatives to the traditional birthday cake that are bound to make your party the talk of the town!

1. Croquembouche

Croquembouche is a good alternative for the traditional birthday cake.

Croquembouche is a French dessert made of choux pastry puffs or profiteroles stacked high to form a tower and held together by threads and threads of caramel. This beautiful dessert could be the showstopper at your next party.

2. Doughnut Tower

Who doesn’t love doughnuts? Stack them up high, stick the candles on the topmost one and nobody would notice the absence of a birthday cake!

3. Crepe Torte

If you are particular about cutting into something on your birthday, then the crepe torte may be your thing. It is nothing but a stack of paper-thin crepes sandwiched with ganache or frosting of your choice. The flavors range from classic chocolate and vanilla to exotic dragon fruit or even matcha!

4. Pie

How can anybody say no to the flaky crust and fruity filling of a pie? If you are making one from scratch, this would be your chance to show off how artsy you are by adding some creative pie crust designs.

5. Macaron Tower


Make your party crowd go ooh and aah with a spectacular macaron tower in the center of your dessert table. But be warned, most macaron recipes call for almond flour and it would be a pity if one of your guests were to be allergic to nuts.

6. Waffle Stack

This warm, golden-brown breakfast food is so versatile it could pass off as dessert any day! Stack up the waffles and lather them with toppings of your choice to create a drool-worthy spectacle that nobody would forget!

7. Watermelon Cake

This is a low-calorie, zero-guilt option for somebody who wants to celebrate their birthday by not going anywhere near processed sugar.

8. Jello Cake

Colorful, jiggly and sugary, this will be a huge hit among the kids! Just ensure that the jello is set properly so that it can be cut into, just like a cake.

9. Cinnamon Roll Stack

If you are a non-conformist and you like cinnamon rolls, here’s another tower idea to skip the cake!

10. Baklava Cake

Baklava is a middle-eastern sweet consisting of layers and layers of filo pastry filled with pistachios and soaked in sugar syrup or honey. Instead of slicing them up the traditional way, cut into it as you would a cake and pass it around to your guests. Once they have a bite, they would want seconds, so keep the baklava coming!

So, go ahead, break the cake tradition and celebrate your next birthday with one of these decadent treats. Your guests are bound to love it!