Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Tag: promotion

8 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Need Social Media Influencers

If you have a limited marketing and advertising budget, social media influencers can help you big time!Unless anyone is living in a bubble, we...

Why Good Advertising Works

“In our factory we make lipstick, in our advertising we sell hope.” - Peter Nivio ZarlengaHow many of us can honestly say we’ve never been persuaded...

Do Packaging Inserts Help in Customer Retention? Of Course They Do!

Try to recall the last time you ordered Chinese takeout. Did you get only the food along with plastic cutlery and sachets of sauces...

Incredible Ways to Promote Your Product

Look around you and take in the sheer variety of products and services available to you. There are multiple inventions and scientific breakthroughs happening...