Home DIY Easy Gluten-Free Breakfast Options

Easy Gluten-Free Breakfast Options

Going gluten-free has a lot of benefits for your body. But having to cut out cereal and pancakes from your breakfast options makes it tough to stick to your new food habit. Read on for some tasty gluten-free recipes.

Just because you’ve picked up a gluten-free diet does not mean that you can’t enjoy your food! Since breakfast is the meal of champions, it doesn’t do well when you skip it and end up having just a cup of coffee instead. Here are ways to spruce up your breakfast sans gluten.

1. Granola Bars

Granola bars are a gluten-free breakfast option.

Here’s your healthy alternative to store-bought energy bars. At one point, we’ve all reduced our breakfast to a measly energy bar that leaves us hungrier. But now, you can run out of your house with just a piece of this granola bar and still feel full. With just five ingredients, you can try this recipe on a Sunday and spend less time on busy weekdays worrying about breakfast.


  • Dates – 220gms, pitted and preferably Medjool
  • Maple syrup or honey – 84gms
  • Salted natural peanut butter – 64gms
  • Roasted unsalted almonds – 112gms, loosely chopped
  • Rolled oats – 135gms
  • Blue cheese – 2 to 4 ounces
  • Chocolate chips or dried fruits, if desired


  1. Use a food processor and process dates for one minute or until they are broken into smaller pieces. They should have a dough-like texture.
  2. If you want, you can toast your oats in a 176° C oven for 15 minutes until they’re golden brown.
  3. In a mixing bowl, add oats, almonds and dates, and mix well.
  4. Use a small saucepan to warm honey or maple syrup and peanut butter. Stir well. Add this to the oats mixture and mix it well.
  5. Once this is well mixed and the dates have been separated from each other, set it in an 8-inch baking dish over greased parchment paper.
  6. Flatten the mixture and roll a glass over it so that the pan is packed.
  7. Cover it with parchment paper and let it chill in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes.
  8. Once set, cut it into squares and store in an airtight container for a quick breakfast.

2. Banana Muffins

What’s better than banana bread? This version of banana muffins is likely to keep you full way past lunch. Made with the healthiest of ingredients, you won’t miss the lack of gluten in them. Bake a batch or two by following this recipe so that you can have breakfast on the go.


  • Large bananas – 3
  • White sugar- ½ cup
  • Egg- 1
  • Baking soda – 1 tsp
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp
  • All-purpose flour – 1 ½ cups
  • Melted butter – ⅓ cup
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon, optional
  • Nuts or chocolate chips, optional


  1. Mash bananas. In a bowl, add the mashed bananas, sugar, and a half-beaten egg. Mix well.
  2. While stirring, add butter.
  3. Next, add the flour, baking soda, and baking powder. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Use a muffin pan. Spoon the batter into paper muffin cups and set them in the pan.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at 180° C. Store in an airtight container.

3. Boiled Eggs with Hummus

For an easy morning in the kitchen, try this oddly delicious combination of boiled eggs with hummus. Use the recipe below to prepare and refrigerate a batch of hummus. In the morning, all you have to do is boil a couple of eggs and you’re set. If you don’t feel like having eggs, you can also pair your hummus with your favorite fruits and vegetables.


  • Dried garbanzo beans – 1¼ cups
  • Baking soda – 1 tsp
  • Water – 6½ cups
  • Tahini- 1 cup
  • Lemons – 2, juiced
  • Garlic – 4 cloves, crushed
  • Ice water – 6 ½ tbsp
  • Salt- 1 to 2 tsp, depending on taste


  1. Place the dried garbanzo beans in a large bowl of water double the amount of the beans. Keep it overnight and rinse it well in the morning.
  2. Put the beans and baking soda in a saucepan and place over a high flame. Stir for 3 minutes.
  3. Add the 6½ cups of water and let it boil. Lower the heat and let it cook for another 20 to 40 minutes. Spoon out the skins that float to the top.
  4. When the beans are tender (yet firm enough to not turn into mush), remove from the stove and drain the water.
  5. In a food processor with an ‘S’ blade, transfer the cooked beans and process until the beans are a thick yellow paste.
  6. Add the tahini, garlic, lemon juice, and salt and continue blending. Drizzle in the ice water and process for 5 minutes. The hummus must be smooth when done.
  7. Put the hummus in a dry bowl and cover it with plastic wrap so that it is airtight. Let it sit out for 30 minutes so that it cools. Store it in a jar and refrigerate.

4. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Do you want an excuse to have dessert for breakfast? These pancakes come gluten-free and with an abundance of chocolate! Packed with nutrition, you don’t need to worry whether they’re unhealthy. Start your day with extra zest by making this breakfast dessert.


  • Old- fashioned oats – ½ cup
  • Baking powder- ½ tsp
  • Ground cinnamon – ¼ tsp
  • Vanilla extract – ¼ tsp
  • Ripe banana – 1, peeled
  • Milk – ¼ cup
  • Dates – 2, pitted
  • Dark chocolate chips- 2 to 5 tbsp
  • Coconut oil, for frying


  1. In a food processor, blend all the ingredients except the chocolate chips. Once well blended, stir in the chocolate chips.
  2. Heat a frying pan and add a little coconut oil. Put a heaped tablespoon of batter in the pan and spread it to form a pancake.
  3. Once it is cooked lightly underneath, flip it. Serve warm and sprinkle chocolate chips if you desire.

5. Two-Ingredient Pancakes

You may not have enough ingredients for an elaborate breakfast but that shouldn’t stop you from having one anyway. This pancake mix uses only two ingredients, banana and eggs, but its taste is akin to pancakes found at a breakfast buffet. Try this recipe and you’ll never go back to your traditional pancake mix again.


  • Very ripe banana – 1, mashed
  • Eggs – 2
  • Coconut oil, for frying
  • A drop of vanilla extract or a dash of cinnamon, if desired


  1. Mash your banana with a fork. In another bowl, whisk the eggs.
  2. Mix the eggs and banana. You can add the optional ingredients if you want to.
  3. In a pan over medium heat, put the coconut oil. Dollop a tablespoon of batter to the pan. When the center bubbles and the bottom is lightly done, flip the pancake.
  4. Eat warm with berries or syrup.

Going gluten-free doesn’t just help your digestion, it also saves time and boosts energy. Fill your platter with these gluten-free, delicious foods and start your day healthy and energized.