Home Lifestyle Scented Candles Make You Feel Good

Scented Candles Make You Feel Good

Scented Candles Can Make You Feel Good

It’s easy to understand the popularity of aromatic candles. They come in such gorgeous fragrances. And the warm flicker of the candlelight makes the room so cozy and pretty.

But scented candles are not just a décor item. They are also useful as aromatherapy tools.  According to the Medical Dictionary, “Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of plant-derived, aromatic essential oils to promote physical and psychological well-being.”

If you want to use scented candles to help you relax or feel good, here are some fragrances you could check out:

Lavender: This calming and tranquil fragrance can help in relieving stress, depression, anxiety and nervous disorders. It is also great for insomnia and headaches.

Tip: Light it up in your bedroom before sleep and feel totally relaxed.

Jasmine: We Indians love jasmine. The rich fragrance is soothing and also helps to perk up one’s mood. It is helpful in easing headaches and stress.

Tip: Light a jasmine candle in the bathroom and feel the stress melt away.

Rose: The sweet smell of roses is universally popular. The fragrance has a relaxing effect. Roses are also associated with romance. The scent can also help in easing anxiety, depression and frustration.

Tip: Light it in your living room or bedroom to bring romance into the ambience.

Sandalwood: This spicy, earthy rich fragrance helps to calm and relax you. It also helps in alleviating depression and insomnia.

Tip: Burn a sandalwood candle when meditating or troubled.

Vanilla: Don’t we all love the warm comforting fragrance of vanilla? It’s associated with happy childhood memories. Vanilla is known to be relaxing, and also helps you to sleep well.

Tip: Light it in the bedroom, bathroom or living room to feel totally relaxed.

shutterstock_339236474Cinnamon: Another warm spicy-sweet fragrance associated with childhood and cakes baking in the oven. Cinnamon is a relaxing fragrance on one hand, but also helps to pep you up if you are exhausted. It helps you keep alert.

Tip: Light a candle at your worktable if you are feeling sleepy or tired,

Citrus: This would include orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc. The sharp scent of citrus can refresh and perk up the mood of a room. Citrus scents help you concentrate and also ease stress and anxiety.

Tip: Light a citrus candle on your worktable when you are studying or working.

Patchouli: The lovely woody fragrance of patchouli is known to be an aphrodisiac! But that’s not all; it helps in easing depression and is also considered to be soothing and relaxing.

Tip: Light it in the bedroom or bathroom whenever you need to unwind.

Chamomile: Similar to the enjoyable tea, the aroma of chamomile has a soothing effect. Apart from easing stress, it is also a great remedy for insomnia.

Tip: Light it in your bedroom to help calm you down.

Mint: Who doesn’t like the refreshing scent of mint? Mint makes you feel more alive; it revs you up.

Tip: Light mint candles in your living room, kitchen or even your workplace to feel energized.

Lemongrass: This citrusy fragrance is truly refreshing. And has an added advantage – it is an insect repellant.

Tip: Use it anywhere in your house, especially when pesky mosquitos are driving you nuts!