These days, creatives are detaching themselves from large agencies and choosing to freelance to build a name for themselves in their field of work. It’s tough to find a balance when you work on your own, but you can create equilibrium by picking up a few healthy habits.


The life of a freelancer is very unique. There are no fixed schedules to stick to, no 9-to-5 timings to follow. But with this freedom to work whenever and wherever one pleases, freelancers have a habit of pushing their limits and letting work spill into their downtime. This is why many freelancers burn out faster than regular jobholders. Why not change the way you handle the freelance life? Here’s how you can build a more wholesome work environment.


  • Create clear boundaries between home and work: We’ve all been guilty of using our bed as a workstation. But that habit has to go! By creating a space that isn’t your bedroom, you will feel less inclined to sit back or scroll through social media. Your brain associates your bedroom with relaxation, which isn’t the kind of mindset to be in when you need to do some actual work.


  • Get out of the house: You can probably reason with yourself that working at home saves costs as compared to sitting at a coffee shop or an office space. But working at home comes with a lot of distractions. There’s always laundry to do or dishes to put away, and it’s easier to get the menial tasks done rather than get right down to business. This is why it’s important to let yourself splurge on a coffee or two so that you can get a considerable amount of work done.

  • Get into a routine: As freelancers, our work days have no structure. While that may work for some, most have a hard time finding a balance. In the process, we’re bound to have long nights of work and odd sleeping schedules. By putting yourself on a fixed schedule and keeping deadlines for a span of two or three hours, you can keep yourself accountable and end each day without worrying about unfinished business.

  • Know when to stop: Being self-employed, we forget to stop ourselves from working too much. Often, we push ourselves harder to get as much as we can have done in a week, even surrendering our Sundays to it. This can cause sloppy work and lower your immunity. At some point, our brains turn to mush and we tend to burn out. To avoid such cases, take a day off every week to disconnect from work and relax with a hobby or with your close ones. This will help you get back to work the next day, feeling fresher.

  • Work with others in the field: Working alone can get lonely. Studies show that in an office environment, you’re more inclined to build new ideas and expand your knowledge by interacting with peers. By creating a similar environment with people in similar fields, you can explore new thoughts and get feedback on your work. Such a space can also help you get through creative ruts.

Being a freelancer is no small feat. With the right approach and a healthy routine, you can make it easier for yourself. Freelancing is a lifestyle, but it’s important that you shape it to be a happy one.