Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Tag: #Work

The Art of Juggling Work and Home

Achieving that work-life balance is not impossible. It just takes commitment and small changes.For any professional, more so for women, juggling work and home,...

7 Ways to Get that Promotion You Want

Asking for a promotion is a risky move. You don’t want to appear over-ambitious or arrogant. But, if you play your cards right, you...

How to Maintain Work-Life Balance When You Freelance

These days, creatives are detaching themselves from large agencies and choosing to freelance to build a name for themselves in their field of work....

How to Beat the Afternoon Slump on a Workday

The post-lunch hour is tough with many of us struggling to stay awake. A full stomach and pleasant weather isn’t the best combination when...

A Guide to Switching Careers

It’s a terrifying decision but it’s the first step to a more content life. Switching careers is a risky proposition but it can be...

10 Productivity Hacks to Work Smarter, Not Harder

We’ve all been there: spent all day working on half a dozen tasks but only finished one. How do you hack productivity? Read on...