Home Work & Money How to Start a Home Business on a Shoestring Budget (3)

How to Start a Home Business on a Shoestring Budget (3)

There are so many ventures you could begin from the comfort of your home. In this series, we outline some great ideas for you.

In this final article of the series, we continue to give you some more ideas for starting a business from home without investing oodles of money.

Become a personal trainer.

Personal Trainer: If you are qualified as in aerobics, strength training or any of the numerous new fitness options, you could look at becoming a personal trainer. You could offer your services at home or go to clients’ homes or even tie up with a local gym or fitness center.

Hairdressing, Beauty and Makeup Services: You need to be qualified for this or you could always do a course. However, if you are setting it up at home, you will need equipment and the initial investment could be pricey. But you have the option of visiting clients’ homes instead, where you could ask them to stock up on their favorite brands of cosmetics and creams and shampoos. All you have to do is offer your services then.

Gardening Services: You will need a green thumb and knowledge and experience for this. Many people are naturally gifted where it comes to gardening. And today, terrace gardens and growing one’s own veggies are becoming a fad for urbanites so if you have the expertise, you are sure to find clients.

Interior Designer: If you have a flair for décor, or better yet, qualifications as an interior designer, this is right up your street. You could work from home or rent an office or a co-working space and get your business going. It’s helpful if you have contacts to build your business.

Tour Guide: Heritage walks, food walks, temple trails, nature walks, etc, have become very popular in India. If you love history, heritage, food, art or nature, you could look at becoming a tour guide. It’s an interesting career and if you can carve a niche for yourself, you could make good money.

Pet-sitting: This is for those who love dogs. With more and more couples going to work, many hate leaving their pets at home alone. They would love to avail of a service where they can leave Fido with someone while they are at work.

Auto Repairs: If you love tinkering with your car or bike, this could be something you may find interesting. You would need space – a garage – and tools. Star with soliciting business in your neighborhood, and if you’re good, word will spread, and your business will flourish.

Creches and Babysitting Services: With more and more women pursuing careers, this is a business opportunity that is bound to succeed. However, you will need to make your space kid-friendly and invest in furniture, toys, books etc. And trained staff to help you. You also need to love kids and have loads of patience.

Selling Handmade Items: If you have a talent for sewing, crafting goods from paper, making jewelry, carving wood or crocheting or knitting, etc, you could start making money from your skills. Start with displaying your wares at local pop-ups or exhibitions and then get yourself a website to popularize your stuff.

If you have the skills and the determination, then thanks to technology, the world is your oyster. Some planning, lots of hard work and oodles of optimism will help you to start your business on a shoestring budget. Good luck!