Home Healthy Living Aloe Vera – The Wonder Plant

Aloe Vera – The Wonder Plant

Read on to know the benefits of the wonder plant, aloe vera…

It is considered a wonder plant and has been used medicinally for over 5,000 years. It is also known as the ‘miracle plant’, the ‘medicine plant’ and the ‘wand of heaven’”. The Egyptians called it ‘the Plant of Immortality’.

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that stores water in its gummy, fleshy leaves. The leaves yield two elements – the gel, which is essentially water with numerous nutrients, and the sap, which is also called aloe latex.

Today, It is used extensively in cosmetics and for medicinal use. The plant is easy to grow – you can grow it in your garden, veranda or terrace – and the plant, even when uprooted, can survive for a long time.

aloe-vera2Aloe vera gel
  • The aloe vera gel is great for hair and skin.
  • It has a pH that is suitable for both skin care and haircare.
  • It is a great moisturizer and penetrates deep into the layers of skin to protect skin and hair roots.
  • It has antibacterial properties and also relieves itching.
  • It improves healing and repairing of skin.
  • It is widely used to treat sunburn.
  • It helps in the prevention of wrinkles and slows skin aging.
  • It is a natural moisturizer which nourishes the hair follicle and prevents hair fall.
Aloe Vera – What can it do for you?

Aloe Vera, as mentioned earlier, has medicinal properties. It can help in your overall wellbeing.

  • Aloe vera juice cleanses and detoxifies your body. The juice is also an energy booster.
  • It eases disorders of the digestive system disorders like IBS, candida, colitis, acidity and indigestion.
  • It is useful for people suffering from stomach ulcers.
  • It helps your immune system to fight infection.
  • It lessens a wide array of allergies.
  • Aloe vera reduces and repairs damaged and inflamed tissues.
  • It lubricates joints and aids in easing rheumatism and arthritis.
  • It boosts the immune system.
  • It enhances blood flow to the skin.
  • It is a natural cleanser as it detoxifies the body, thereby boosting health.
  • Aloe vera is rich in nutrition since it has vitamins, amino acids, minerals and enzymes.
  • It lowers cholesterol and regulates blood sugar.
  • It is a natural painkiller since it contains three analgesics.
  • Aloe vera is very safe too since it has no known side effects.
DIY: Aloe vera face pack

This moisturizing pack will make your skin silky smooth and soft.

What you need
  • Aloe vera gel – 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil – ½ teaspoon
  • Instant oatmeal – 1 teaspoon
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to form a paste.
  2. Apply the paste on your face and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash off with cold water.
DIY – Make your own aloe vera gel
What you need

An aloe vera leaf

  1. Peel off the outer layer of the aloe leaf to access the gel.
  2. Scrape out the gel and lightly massage it onto your face.
  3. Leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes and then rinse it off.
  4. Store the remaining gel in an air-tight bottle or container in the refrigerator and use whenever you want.
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Dogs, books, music…that’s what makes life tick for me. And of course, writing. I’ve been writing for 17 years now and have enjoyed every bit of it. My idea of a great time – blast some music, cuddle my pets and gorge on pizza. Or curl up in a cozy corner with a good book. That’s bliss. And now, I’ve discovered a new bliss – yoga. Maybe, I’ll turn spiritual some day with a halo around my head! On a more serious note, I’m actively involved in animal welfare and saving abandoned dogs. I firmly believe dogs are much better than most human beings. In addition, I champion the cause of making our planet a better place. And do my bit in whatever way I can, and urge everyone to do the same.