DIY Face Masks

With DIY face masks, a naturally glowing healthy face is never too far away.

If you don’t want to head to the spa owing to time constraints or a tight budget, you can just head to your kitchen. Try out face masks with ingredients available on your kitchen shelves.

Some DIY face masks you can come up with are:

Banana face mask: Available throughout the year, bananas can give you easy and effective face mask. Mash half of the fruit, add two spoons of orange juice and a spoon of honey. Spread the mixture on your face and leave on for 15 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. Your face will be rewarded with a healthy glow by this fruity mask. You can substitute banana with papaya or a similar seasonal fruit.

Cocoa face mask: The antioxidants in cocoa are great to slow the process of aging. For this anti-aging mask, blend together four spoons of freshly ground coffee, four spoons of cocoa powder, two spoons of honey and six spoons of yoghurt. You can use this mask on your face, arms and even back. The mask prevents puffiness and swelling and also moisturizes because of the yoghurt.

Oatmeal mask: Highly recommended for soothing rough skin, treating eczema and acne, this breakfast meal doubles up as a wonder face mask. Pour hot but not boiling water to oatmeal and stir. Add yoghurt and honey. Blend everything together to get a smooth mixture. Spread all over your face and leave for ten minutes. Wash with warm water. It can be also used on other parts of the body which is rough or angry with eczema. The mask calms and soothes the skin and revitalizes it.

Citrus mask: Combining honey with any citrus fruit like lemon and orange gives your face a quick makeover. Add six spoons of the citrus juice to half a cup of honey. Apply and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash first with lukewarm water and then with cold. You will have an instant healthy glow on your face.

Male mask: For soothing razor cuts and dry winter skin, a face mask with cucumber and yoghurt is the best choice for men. Peel and chop half a cucumber. Run it in a food processor till pulpy. Mix in thick full-fat yoghurt. Spread evenly on face and leave for about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. The cucumber cools the skin and the yoghurt leaves it moisturized.