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Get Your Social Media Business Page Verified!

It is 2019 and the world has a population of nearly 7.7 billion people. Statistics show that 4.2 billion people are active internet users and 3.4 billion out of them are social media users. So, it is safe to say that nearly half of the world’s population is on some social media platform or the other. Businesses have identified the marketing potential these platforms offer and have been taking advantage of this for a while now, so much so that almost every business out there has a presence on at least one social media platform.

Creating a page for your business is an easy and affordable way to grow your customer base. But is it enough to just create a page and engage your users? What more can you do with your business’s social media page? You must have seen a blue tick next to the names of celebrities, media houses and other business giants on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The blue tick means that these are official accounts that have been verified by the social media platform itself and serves as a mark of authenticity. Are these blue ticks of verification important? If so, why? Can you get one for your business? Let’s find out!

The blue tick of verification on social media

The blue tick of credibility: Anybody with an email ID can create an account for free on all the popular social media platforms these days. It is such an easy process that it has been misused to the extent that Facebook has a huge team whose sole focus is to identify and remove fake profiles. They claim to have removed 583 million fake accounts in the first quarter of 2018 alone! In such a setting, it becomes necessary for genuine brands to differentiate themselves from all the fake pages that sprout on such platforms with the intention of trolling, or worse, fraud.

As soon as we see the blue tick, we are assured of the person’s or brand’s authenticity. While Facebook bestows the blue tick to only celebrities, public figures and big organizations, it is possible to get a grey tick of verification for your small or medium-sized business. It will instantly convey to your users that your page is the legitimate, official page of your brand and any business they may engage in with your page would be dealt with the transparency and professionalism that is expected from a respectful business.

More followers, more popularity: Consider the following scenario. Your friend recommends a new brand of cosmetics that she has fallen head over heels in love with, and you want to find the brand’s page on, let’s say, Instagram. When you search for the brand’s Instagram handle, your search results throw up multiple accounts with the same name and similar products. Would you take the time to visit each account and decide which one is the real one or would you abandon your search immediately? What has happened here is that the absence of the blue verification tag made you skeptical about following a brand you didn’t know much about and the brand has lost a potential customer it had almost acquired through word-of-mouth!

In other words, the blue tick guarantees more followers and more followers translate to only one thing on social media – more marketability!

Increase in traffic to your page: As soon as you get your page verified on Facebook, you get the message: “Your Page will have a verified badge and show up higher in search results to help attract more visitors.” True that Facebook’s algorithm is constantly changing and there is no telling whether the badge of verification would actually help get your page more visibility, but as business owners, it is in your hands to give your business the best advantage. Your business page would definitely contain a link to your website, and one way to find out if the badge works in this aspect is to check your website’s analytics and see if there has been an increase in traffic since acquiring the badge. If the number of your Facebook followers has also been steadily increasing post obtaining the badge, it can only mean that it is for good.

While submitting a request to get your page verified is a good idea, there is no guarantee that you will get a badge at the end of the process. Twitter, which started the tradition of bestowing badges, has put its verification process on hold for now, possibly because of the profusion of  verification requests it has been getting. If your page is active, has a decent number of followers, and can boast of a certain degree of public interest, your chances of getting verified are high and you should go for it!