Home Technology Why Your Salon Needs a Website

Why Your Salon Needs a Website

A trendy, enlightening website with eye-catching images is a terrific selling point for your salon.

Recently, I was at my neighborhood salon, and it seemed quite deserted. The lady attending to me was complaining about how business was rather slow. On some days, they saw a good amount of footfalls; on other days, they barely had customers walking in. The salon has many packages and offers and provides excellent service at reasonable rates. It is clean, the staff is polite and I truly enjoy all the services. But, most often, I have no clue about the packages because they don’t communicate them to the customer. Also, they don’t have an online option of setting up appointments, so if I call and the line is busy, then after a couple of tries, I give up and tell myself I’ll try some other time, and often, I don’t end up going for that manicure or pedicure that I had wanted so badly, simply because it isn’t a priority.

Now, if the salon had a website, and I was a subscriber, I would get regular updates on their offers and I would have the option of fixing an appointment on their website. What many salons fail to realize is that while for some women beauty rituals like pedicures, facials, waxing etc, are intrinsic to their lives, for others, it depends on convenience. And while they may try again and again for an appointment for waxing or getting their eyebrows done, if they find the salon is busy or they can’t get an appointment, they may just skip stuff like pedicures, manicures, facials, or head massages. The same goes with men. They may need to get their hair trimmed or their beards or moustaches trimmed, but for most, a massage, pedicure or manicure can wait.

So salons need to keep up with the 21st century and the digital era. People are already hard pressed for time and they prioritize their needs. They are used to clicking and swiping on their smartphones to get information and take action. They are more likely to engage in services that they know about. With the economy shrinking, jobs in peril and a busy lifestyle, beauty treatment often takes a backseat. As a salon owner, it’s up to you to communicate the benefits of a relaxing spa or a glowing face! And for that, a website is your best means of communication – a platform for you to showcase your services, rates, packages and offers and build a clientele. Here’s why:

A website can help bring more customers to salons.

You get more customers: Since people are more often googling for information, if you have a website, and a person in your area is looking for a salon, chances are your establishment will figure in the search results.  Also, if a potential customer is interested in your salon, chances are that he or she will check out your website to see what services you offer, where you are located and what your timings are. For example, if someone is new to town, he may not know about the salons in the area. Where will he get information from? He could ask a neighbor, or he will google salons in the area. If you have a website and it shows up in the search results, he will check your site and if he likes what he sees, you have a new customer!

It’s a great way to advertise your products and packages: How does a customer know whether your salon offers Ayurvedic massages? Or whether they can get a package deal on makeup for a special occasion with a facial thrown in as a freebie. Or the different kinds of head massages you have. If it’s there on your website, then they have the information in front of them and they can make informed choices.

You get more exposure at a lesser price: Yes, it makes sense to have printed brochures to hand out to customers who visit your salon. But what about those who don’t? How do you reach them? Advertising in local newspapers or on television or radio is expensive and unless you are a well-known chain of salons, it’s probably way beyond your budget. But your website is there 24×7 for potential customers. You could have exciting offers for those who sign up for your newsletter. You could advertise about packages that may tantalize a potential customer. And your newsletter will inform existing and potential customers about your packages and offers.

It’s time saving: Imagine if someone calls and asks for information on your rates, your timings, your address, the types of packages, how long a procedure will take, etc. It’s time consuming and also, doesn’t give a customer the full picture of who you are. If you have a website, a customer can check it out and get all the information he or she requires.

A customer can know what to expect: What kind of a salon do you have? Is it super premium, or is a small one to cater to the locality’s needs? A customer who is used to going to five-star salons may not want to go to a local salon. Similarly, someone who is on a limited budget cannot afford a premium salon. By visiting your website, a customer can understand whether she can afford your salon. She can also see images of your interiors and decide for herself whether it appeals to her or not.

For beauty salons to thrive, they need repeat customers who are loyal to them. But, you first need to attract customers. And the best way to do that is through an attractive and informative website that entices a visitor to go through the site and make a decision to visit your salon. A well-designed, informative website with attractive images is a great selling point for your salon.