Clear nail polish is something that’s cheap and readily available in any department store. It has other uses besides adding a lustrous coat to painted nails or adding shimmer to bare nails. 


You probably have bottles of clear nail polish stacked up in nooks and corners of your house. Read on to know various practical ways you can use clear nail polish on a daily basis.  

  1. Smudge-proof home labels

Avoid ink spreading across your labels. Splash on a coat of clear nail polish and you’re sorted. Plus point, the label will have a sleek, laminated look. Use it on paper, plastic or wooden labels.

  1. Save laddered tights

If you’re a woman, you definitely know the horror of laddered tights. However, don’t worry, for clear nail polish is here to save the day! Dab on a layer or two along the gap area. The polish hardens the fabric around the spot and keeps it from tearing further.

  1. Sealing envelopes

If you’re an old soul who likes to send out snail mail, then that bottle of clear nail polish is going to be of good use to you. We’re pretty sure you’re tired of licking the envelope which tastes off-putting! Simple solution: apply clear nail polish along the lip of the envelope to seal it.

  1. Protect your jewelry

When used frequently, jewelry can get tarnished or lose its color owing to the sweat and oils produced by the skin. Paint a layer of clear nail polish on the sides of your jewelry that come in direct contact with skin. This will help preserve their luster and color. As a bonus, this will also help keep nickel allergies at bay.

  1. Relief from bug bites

Got an itchy, bumpy bug bite that’s bothering you? Dab a small amount of clear nail polish on the bump, and you will be temporarily relieved of the urge to scratch. This will buy you time till you can get your hands on calamine lotion. However, do not use clear nail polish on cuts, or if your skin is allergic to chemicals.

Now aren’t those pretty innovative ideas? Go on, use them and maximize the potential of that bottle of clear nail polish.