Home Lifestyle The Ultimate Guide To Surviving a Long Flight

The Ultimate Guide To Surviving a Long Flight

If you have to travel abroad frequently on business, we give you some tips on how to make your flying experience more enjoyable.

Not everybody can afford first class, and economy seats tend to be getting smaller and smaller every year. Crying babies, unplanned delays by the airline, and unpalatable in-flight food make flying an ordeal. How does one survive a long-haul flight under these circumstances? Especially when it is a business trip that you must take where you are probably worried about closing an important deal? We, at iJugaad, understand. That’s why we have compiled a list of tips to help you stay sane and reach your destination, hopefully in high spirits.

Choose your seats wisely.

Choose your seat wisely: Depending on the airline you are flying with, pick a seat wisely either at the time of booking or at check-in. Aisle and window seats are the most preferred, hence, some airlines require you to pay extra for those. But the additional amount is justified when you are flying long hours. The aisle seat is best if you want to get up, stretch and walk around – things everybody should do on long-haul flights. A window seat allows you to get lost in your own world, but then again, you would have to disturb (wake up, in most cases) your fellow passengers every time you need to use the restroom.

Invest in some travel gear: Anything to make the journey less miserable, right? Get yourself travel essentials such as neck pillows, eye masks, noise-cancelling earphones or earplugs because it is better to travel well-prepared than to wait desperately for the end of your exasperating journey.

Although it is advised that you stay off alcohol and caffeine during long haul flights (as they tend to leave you feeling dehydrated), you might want to treat yourself to a glass of your favorite cocktail 35,000 ft above the ground and you could do exactly that with your very own Carry On Cocktail Kit.

Wear loose and comfortable clothing: Celebrity airport outfits teach us a wonderful lesson – that layering is your best friend when you are flying long distance. Pile on the layers when it gets cold and shed them when you feel warm. Leave your figure-hugging, constricting clothes such as your skinny jeans or anything with a tight waistband for another occasion, and choose loose and comfortable clothes, preferably made of stretchable, breathable fabrics. Also, your shoes shouldn’t be too snug either. The hours and hours of sitting without much movement is probably going to make your feet swell up.

Get productive: Flights are a good excuse for workaholics to get more work done. Entrepreneurs can easily take this opportunity to catch up on important reading or prep for meetings that you probably have to get to once you land. Noise-cancelling earphones can truly come to your rescue when you are trying to concentrate amidst all the ruckus in economy class. If they are too pricey for your budget, stick to good-quality earplugs.

Drink plenty of water: The reduced oxygen environment in the cabin combined with low humidity can be very dehydrating. Even if it means making multiple trips to the restroom, ensure that you stay well hydrated. Be warned, dehydration can also make the physical symptoms of jet lag worse!

Get up and walk around: In an airplane, there normally wouldn’t be anywhere to walk but up and down the aisle. But do get up once every hour if the seat-belt light is not on and stretch your legs to get your blood flowing. You could also rotate your ankles and do some gentle exercises at your seat without causing any discomfort to your fellow passengers. Not only will this keep those leg cramps away but also reduces your risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Charge all your devices: True that there are outlets at all airports for you to charge your mobile phone, laptop, or tablet but they are almost always occupied, and you wouldn’t want to risk losing your only source of entertainment on a dreadfully long flight just because you were a tad bit lazy to fully charge your electronic devices, would you?

Choose your entertainment: Add movies, sitcoms, or games onto your gadgets that will keep you entertained during the course of your flight. Read a book, doodle, or knit to while away the time.

Upgrade if you can: If you can afford this extra outlay, you must definitely get your seat upgraded. Even otherwise, always ask the flight attendant at the gate for an upgrade. The chances of you getting a free upgrade are higher when you travel alone, so don’t shy away from inquiring.

The ordeals associated with flying won’t magically end upon landing. You’ll probably have an even bigger enemy to fight then­—jet lag. But prepping for your flight and following the above-mentioned tips could make that tiresome journey a whole lot easier.