Home Work & Money Tips to Create the Perfect Business Card

Tips to Create the Perfect Business Card

You might think that business cards don’t matter anymore since most business are conducted digitally these days. But the perfect business card is an opportunity to connect with a new prospect on a personal level. Read on to find out how to create the perfect one.

With most business being done digitally, you might think that business cards don’t matter anymore. But they can offer a lot. Here’s why they’re still important for business and how you can get the most out of yours.

A great business card serves as an excellent marketing tool for your business. When you are handing out your business card, it has only seconds to ensure that it leaves a positive first impression, something that would inspire people to contact you. However, most business owners put very little effort into designing their business cards because they would rather spend their marketing budget on other things. The result? Mediocre business cards! A mediocre card can get the business done, but ask yourself, is mediocrity what you really want to settle for? We have put together a bunch of tips to help you create the perfect business card. Your business card should:

Be visually persuasive: First impressions do matter. Your potential client would be sizing your company up and building a lasting opinion about it within the first couple of seconds of receiving your business card. Your card must be visually impressive enough if you ever want to hear back from them again.

Good business card.

Contain your business’s name and logo: If there is one thing your business card should definitely have, it is your business’s name. Especially if you entered the market recently. It should also contain your business’s logo. Your logo helps customers identify your brand and distinguishes you from your competitors. Your business card is one place your logo must definitely be on.

Follow your brand’s style guidelines: Your business card is an extension of your brand. If your brand employs a particular color in packaging and marketing, it is advisable to follow the same style guidelines while designing your business card. This would ensure brand recognition later on.

Have easy-to-read fonts: While choosing the font, make sure that it is legible. Coming to font size, you can play around with it depending on the hierarchy and flow of information on your business card. If you have a brick and mortar store, you would want your clients to focus on your address rather than your email address, right? Have your address in a slightly larger font size than the rest to draw attention to it. Also, remember to not use too many fonts as your card would look disorderly.

Have white space: Nobody likes looking at a business card that is crammed with so much information that it makes you dizzy just by looking at it. Make sure you leave enough space in your card so that your client’s focus is only on what you want them to see.

Include important information: It’s a business card, how can one go wrong in designing one? This is a thought shared by many a businessman. But what about all the business cards I have received that didn’t have a single bit of useful information?

You MUST include your phone number, email address and website URL on your business card. You would be surprised to know how many people still prefer talking on the phone rather than sending an email or checking out your website, so don’t think that adding your phone number isn’t important.

A good business card should be designed to help the client find the information they are looking for as opposed to being a marketing medium containing only what you want them to see.

Have the premises address: Having an actual physical address, even if your business is an internet one is necessary to get people to trust you and your company. Don’t skimp on space by choosing not to put your address on your card.

Have social media links: Prior to putting your company’s social media links on your business card, ensure that all the information there is timely and relevant. With more and more people basing a company’s credibility on their social media presence, it is important to have these links in your business card.

Have quality material and printing: Your business card needn’t always be paper. But no matter the type of material you choose (ceramic-infused or seed-infused, its your pick), make sure that it is long-lasting and of good quality. And for that, you need to source a quality printer. Your minor savings from choosing a low-cost (read as low-quality) printer is nothing compared to the solid first impression your business card is guaranteed to create if printed by a high-quality business card printing service.

Utilize the back space: Traditionally, the back spaces of business cards have been blank, hence most card storage modes are also designed assuming that the back is blank. However, that doesn’t mean you must keep it blank. Utilize this space to put information that isn’t critical. Maybe add a QR code at the back that would direct users to your website or provide additional information to the user.

Have a standard shape: You may think about running with unconventional business card shapes and types, such as a round or a star, to make your card more memorable. Experimenting with the shape is the most basic as more and more businessmen are experimenting with cards that double as useful tools, quirky miniature toys or even product samples. There are business cards that double as chap sticks, cards that you can bury so that a new plant grows out of it—the ideas are endless! While such cards ensure that you stand out, they also tend to be more expensive than the standard 3.5″ x 2″ ones. So, have a clear idea about your business requirements, your target audience, and your marketing strategy and budget before opting for these non-traditional types of business cards. Also know that any shape or size other than the standard 3.5″ x 2″ means your business card will not fit into traditional business card holders. The chances of your card ending up in the trash are more greater if you don’t adhere to the standard shape. But you could experiment with the standard shape and size, say by giving your card rounded edges or getting your logo embossed.

In addition to all the above points, keep basic design principles in mind while getting your business card designed. Don’t go overboard with creativity; minimalism is still the key to leaving a lasting impression. Now go ahead and create the perfect business card.