Super Seeds for Super Health

Seeds are a powerhouse of proteins, antioxidants, healthy fats and fiber

Seeds pack a healthy punch – reason enough to pick up that pumpkin or melon at the supermarket exclusively for their seeds. Health experts have come up with a list of super seeds that they recommend should be an essential part of your diet. Six of them are:

Pumpkin seedsPumpkin seeds: High in carotenoids, which are antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, pumpkin seeds play a major role in strengthening the skeletal system. They also boost immunity and keep a check on insulin levels. Studies are showing that these seeds may also stop an activation of cancerous behavior in male prostate cells.

Munch pumpkin seeds plain or with other nuts or use them as a garnishing agent for salads, soups, noodles or dessert.

Chia seeds: Filled with protein and fiber, chia seeds are a good substitute for the Omega-3 fatty acids that vegetarians miss out in seafood. Chia seeds helps keep diabetes and blood pressure at bay. They are a boon to dieters as consuming them gives the feeling of being full, and reduces chances of overeating.

Chia seeds don’t taste that great. You can add them to cereals, baked foods or smoothies to make them more interesting.

Melon seeds: Protein from fruits is rare to come by. But musk melon seeds are a very good source of them. Plus, they are a good source of minerals and vitamins and help prevent heart disease. They are good for teeth, hair and nails and help in flushing out worms from the intestine and excess phlegm from the chest.

Melon seeds can be eaten raw or roasted. Sprinkle them on fruit salads or whip them up with fruits for a thick smoothie.

Flax seeds: Flax seeds have the right measures of all nutrients. They are high in protein, fiber and alpha linolenic acid (ALA) while being low on calories. The seeds improve the digestive and cardiovascular system.

The best way for our body to digest and absorb flax seeds is in its ground form. Grind them along with your pancake ingredients or add them as a ground paste in your curries.

Sesame seeds: Rich in calcium, copper and magnesium, sesame seeds protect the heart and immune system. Possessing a unique chemical structure, sesame seeds help prevent many health issues.

Sesame seeds are extensively used in cooking several dishes and in salads.

Sunflower seeds: Like pumpkin, sunflower seeds are high in good fats. Their high concentration of Vitamin E is great for skin and hair. They are also good for the bones as they are high in magnesium.

Eat them plain or roasted. Add them to cereals and sandwiches, sprinkle them on soups or desserts; there are a whole lot of options with sunflower seeds.