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Stay safe this Diwali

Stay Safe this Diwali

 Diwali is a time for fun and celebration. Nevertheless, every year, we read about accidents and mishaps. Here are some tips on how to have a safe Diwali.  

  • Buy only branded fireworks from licensed shops.
  • Crackers must be stored in covered boxes, away from sources of fire and from the reach of children.
  • Adults must read the instructions and safety precautions and explain these to youngsters
  • Before beginning your fireworks celebrations, keep buckets of water, sand, blankets, aloe vera gel and ointment for burns ready as a precautionary measure.
  • Ensure that crackers are burst in large open spaces.
  • Children should always be accompanied by adults when they burst crackers.
  • Footwear is a must while bursting crackers and watching fireworks.
  • Crackers must be lit at arm’s length. Never keep your face close to the source of fire while lighting a cracker.
  • shutterstock_333342923Crackers should not be kept in shirts or pant pockets.
  • Burnt crackers should be discarded in a bucket of water to prevent burning people’s feet by accident.
  • For rockets, ensure that the area is clear from any obstacle such as trees, windows, doors, gates, sunshades, etc.
  • Only one person should light a cracker at a time. Avoid lighting more than one cracker, especially flower pots, ground chakras, etc. Take the candle or incense stick to the crackers rather than vice versa.
  • Never try lighting a cracker by placing it on your palm.
  • Vehicles must be parked away from places of celebration.
  • Wear thick cotton clothes while bursting crackers. Avoid synthetic or loose-flowing ensembles.
  • Crackers should never be burst in crowded places, narrow streets, inside the house, near any source of fire, electric boxes, etc.
  • Don’t examine un-burst crackers. It is dangerous.
  • Don’t throw crackers, as it may land on a passer-by or a child.
  • Trying to make your own fireworks by mixing contents or experimenting with crackers, is hazardous!
  • Small children should not be given crackers.
  • Don’t try to light crackers that have not burst.
  • Wear ear plugs while bursting bombs.
  • Keep flower pots and chakras on even, flat ground while lighting them.
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Swati Amar calls herself ‘the write person’ precisely because she claims her brain starts functioning only when her fingers dance over the computer keyboard. Gripped by an obsessive compulsion to write, her day is incomplete until she has ‘keyed’ in a few lines. Moving from counting money as an erstwhile banker in State Bank of India, Swati has been counting words for more than fifteen years. She has contributed copiously to various print and online publications in English and Tamil, numbering over 15K articles on varied subjects. Swati Amar swears allegiance to the Chennai Press Club and prides on her experience as a media entrepreneur and consultant, never losing a ‘write’ opportunity. Swati’s favorite pastime is to watch News on television, read, revel in melody, doodle and dawdle and follow the footsteps of global chefs when time permits. She believes that a good laugh peps up one’s life! And the write words too…