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How to Overcome Career Boredom

If you find yourself feeling blue on workday mornings or feel like you are trapped in a deadly daily work routine, you are probably experiencing career boredom. It’s more common than you think and before you decide to quit, check out these alternatives.

Change Your perspective: Instead of changing your job, change your perspective about your job. Stop dragging your feet to office, zoning into social media at work or doing the countdown to exit time. Think about the positives instead. After all, there was a reason you took up this job in the first place; try to rekindle the spark of your early days in the workplace. Look around for opportunities that would help you reconnect: new projects and additional responsibilities that require your specific skillset and help you engage with your work at a deeper level. Instead of focusing on your dissatisfaction, work harder at getting inspired. Taking a step back and rethinking your job is also a lot easier than quitting each time ennui strikes.

Invest in a hobby.

Look beyond your job: It’s possible that the problem exists outside of the workplace and therefore you may need to look beyond your job to find relief from the monotony you are experiencing. It is possible that you are pouring so much of your time and energy into your work that you are missing out on other things that are important in your life. Check to see if you have a good work-life balance and if not, take steps to rectify this imbalance. Giving time to personal relationships, indulging in a hobby or volunteering your time—these are all activities that will bring meaning to your life, with a spillover effect on your office time. Being a happier person is one way to ensure that you are a happier employee.

Make the move: If you have been doing the same job for a while now, it is possible that you need greater challenges. Step outside your comfort zone and switch jobs. Rather than seeking a new job outside your current company, check to see if it is possible to make the move within the workplace. If you do spot a job you think you will enjoy, do enough networking within the company to make sure that you are noticed by the decision-makers. Of course, there is still the final option: closing this chapter of your life and moving onto a new career path with a new employer.