Golden Milk for Golden Health

Turmeric Latte, aka ‘Golden Milk’ has become a global rage. Turmeric has been a part of Indian cuisine and our treasure trove of herbal medicine for ages. Let’s unravel the secret behind turmeric’s meteoric rise in the global palate. 

Turmeric latte, recipe for health!

Numerous variations of turmeric lattes are doing the rounds of homes and eateries around the globe. This staple drink of the health conscious is a concoction of fresh turmeric juice or paste (made using turmeric powder and water) with non-dairy milk such as unsweetened almond, cashew or coconut milk with a dash of health-enhancing condiments and spices such as ginger, cinnamon, pepper, cardamom and honey.


Unsweetened non-dairy milk        1 cup

Grated fresh turmeric root           1 tbsp (or 1 tsp turmeric paste)

Cinnamon                                    ½ tsp or 1 stick

Grated fresh ginger root              1 tbsp (or 1 tsp. ground ginger)

Coconut oil                                  1 tbsp

Honey                                         1 tsp

Black pepper                               4-5 peppercorns or one pinch powder


If you are using turmeric powder, mix 2 parts turmeric powder with 1 part boiling water and make a paste.

Warm the non-dairy milk on low heat. Add turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, pepper and cardamom pods (optional). Stir frequently till the milk is warm but not boiling.Mix coconut oil and gently heat. Stir in the honey.If using cinnamon sticks, remove and use again for another drink.Strain the milk through a strainer.

Froth the top of the milk with a milk frother or use a wire whisk or immersion blender to create froth.Top up with cinnamon powder.


You can avoid coconut oil and use coconut syrup instead.

Add 2-3 cardamom pods if you like.

Turmeric enriches your health

  • Curcumin present in turmeric has various medicinal properties. Research has shown that it protects against Alzheimer’s disease and preserves memory. It repairs stem cells in the brain.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric reduce skin irritation and redness. It is great for blemishes and acne due to its anti-bacterial properties. It is an exfoliant that does wonders for skin texture, protecting it against wrinkles and keeping it hydrated.
  • Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are useful in rheumatoid arthritis, relieving joint pains. It helps gym-goers reducing muscle soreness.
  • Turmeric delays the onset of Type 2 diabetes, reverses insulin resistance and lowers blood glucose levels.
  • The anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic qualities of turmeric help prevent stomach ulcers and infections of the gut. It relieves stomach pain and is useful for people with Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Curcumin helps in relieving depression.
  • The American Cancer Society vouches for turmeric because it kills cancer cells, inhibits cancer cell growth and boosts antioxidant levels and the immune system.
  • Turmeric reduces ‘bad cholesterol’, alleviating the risk of heart conditions and increases ‘good’ cholesterol levels.
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Swati Amar calls herself ‘the write person’ precisely because she claims her brain starts functioning only when her fingers dance over the computer keyboard. Gripped by an obsessive compulsion to write, her day is incomplete until she has ‘keyed’ in a few lines. Moving from counting money as an erstwhile banker in State Bank of India, Swati has been counting words for more than fifteen years. She has contributed copiously to various print and online publications in English and Tamil, numbering over 15K articles on varied subjects. Swati Amar swears allegiance to the Chennai Press Club and prides on her experience as a media entrepreneur and consultant, never losing a ‘write’ opportunity. Swati’s favorite pastime is to watch News on television, read, revel in melody, doodle and dawdle and follow the footsteps of global chefs when time permits. She believes that a good laugh peps up one’s life! And the write words too…