Home Beauty Why Have Charcoal Soaps Become So Popular?

Why Have Charcoal Soaps Become So Popular?

Charcoal. What does the word conjure? A black, messy, amorphous substance mostly used for building fires. Right? Would you associate it with a cleansing product? I bet you wouldn’t. But that’s just what this modest piece of carbon is being used for in recent times. It is a main ingredient in many skincare products and what’s more, it gives amazing results.

The medicinal value of charcoal is not new to us. Ever since it was discovered, charcoal has been used as a poultice to clean wounds, to filter water and to provide protection from toxins. What is new and hard to believe is the recent discovery of charcoal as a product of beauty care. Processed charcoal is being used as a main ingredient in natural soaps and body/face cleansers and the products are vastly popular all over the globe. Dermatologist Jason Emer says, “Charcoal is unique because it’s highly absorbent. That absorbency translates to your complexion. I like products with charcoal because they draw out oil and debris from your skin and help with exfoliation.”

We focus here on charcoal soaps. These are some of the amazing skin benefits obtained from them:

Charcoal soaps help you attain flawless skin.

1. Makes skin smooth and flawless: Oily skin is responsible for retaining impurities in the open pores, often causing formation of pimples and blemishes. One astonishing property of charcoal soap is its ability to control facial oil and its effectiveness in wiping out dead cells. The soap helps in the absorption of excessive oil and cleansing the accumulated dirt, resulting in oil-free skin. This will naturally leave skin looking smooth and flawless.

2. Treats pores: Time spent outdoors means exposing your skin to dust, smoke and pollution. The dirt harms your skin by stealing into the open pores, enlarging them. These pores are evident clearly on the face as they grow in size. Using charcoal soap not only results in extracting the dust and grime from the pores but it also helps to clear the clogged pores and reduce their size.

3. Treatment of acne: Charcoal soap removes the toxins responsible for causing acne. It rids the skin of impurities, which keeps acne away.

4. Gentle on the skin: Many cosmetic soaps may appeal with their fragrance but can be harsh and overtly drying on the skin. This is because surfactants to speed up lather or foam, often used in them, can actually cause havoc with the pH balance of the skin. Charcoal soaps are mild and gentle on the skin as they are devoid of such harmful ingredients.

5. Suited to all skin types: Charcoal soaps are beneficial for dry or oily skin. It controls the excess oil of oily skin and nourishes and moisturizes dry skin. It is also gender free and works well for both men and women as well as teens. What’s more, it is so mild and cleanses so deeply that you can use it on both the face and body every day.

6. Helps to reduce aging: Regular use of charcoal soap makes the skin firmer and tighter. Loose skin is a sign of aging but charcoal helps you retain the firmness of skin longer. It keeps wrinkles and lines away thus slowing down the aging process of skin.

7. Exfoliates the skin: Charcoal soap is a good exfoliator. It effectively removes dead skin and impurities from the skin, leaving it blemish free.

8. Helps to treat dandruff: Charcoal soap can double up as a shampoo and can be used to treat dandruff. It prevents dryness in the scalp which is the main reason for the occurrence of dandruff.

9. Deals with psoriasis: Owing to its exfoliating properties, charcoal soap can be a blessing for skin with psoriasis or eczema. In many cases it is seen to prevent the recurrence of this skin disorder.

10. Treats cracked heels: Use charcoal soap every day on cracked feet and see them heal beautifully. They will become soft as the soap exfoliates them and prevents drying by keeping them hydrated. Charcoal soap also prevents heels and toes from cracking.

Charcoal soap is one very assured and effective way to provide complete beauty care to your skin. An added feather in its cap is that it is inexpensive too! No wonder then that charcoal soaps are getting so popular.