Add EQ to IQ for Success

The highly connected and networked world of today demands we expand our circle of acquaintances, friends and family. And for this, people skills are important. Astute interactions ensure success in the workplace, formal and informal groups and even among family members.

What’s your Emotional Intelligence Quotient?

Emotional Intelligence Quotient maybe more important than IQ and has come to be recognized as a better predictor of success, happiness and quality of relationships. EQ is the measure of one’s abilities to recognize and manage one’s own emotions as well as those of others individually and in groups.

Success formulae of high EQ people

  • People with high EQ form and maintain interpersonal relationships easily and fit in groups comfortably.
  • People with high emotional intelligence are aware of and recognize their own psychological state and manage stress effectively such that they have lesser chance of depression.

Components of high EQ

Emotional intelligence has five components:

  • Self-awareness or understanding of our emotions.
  • Self-management or the ability to respond effectively, manage and control our emotions.
  • Self-motivation or the ability to motivate ourselves for the accomplishment of our goals.
  • Empathy or the ability to understand the emotions and feelings of others and relate to them accordingly.
  • Social skills or the ability to build relationships and work effectively in teams or groups.

Benefits of high EQ

  • Being emotionally intelligent has a lot to do with your health status. The ability to recognize, understand, control and manage your emotions helps in adapting your reactions to stress situations, which in turn helps keep several health conditions arising out of stress at bay.
  • Emotional intelligence strengthens your mind and helps maintain your mental health too. EQ impacts our attitude and outlook on life and is related to happiness. High emotional intelligence helps avoid emotional conditions such as anxiety, mood swings, depression, etc.
  • Emotional intelligence determines how we relate to others. Our understanding of others helps in strengthening our relationships.
  • Emotional intelligence enables us to avoid conflicts or deal with them effectively.
  • Emotional intelligence helps develop leadership qualities as it brings about effective interactions and relationships and builds stronger bonds with people in the workplace. Emotionally intelligent people are effective leaders because their understanding of others motivates better performance and results in strong teams.
  • Since people with high emotional intelligence also have great self-motivation, their potential for success in any endeavor is very high. Their ability to handle obstacles, create effective networks of support and perseverance to attain their goals steer them toward success.

Emotional intelligence impacts your professional life

IQ has no connection with how effectively one can understand and deal with their own emotions or those of others. People with average IQ are seen to do better than those with high IQ simply because their EQ is higher.

While your educational and professional achievements will land you a good job, how you sustain your position and advance forward is determined by your emotional intelligence, especially if you are in a management position. Emotionally intelligent managers have been found to rate high in job satisfaction and have lower levels of turnover. They develop happier and more productive teams that perform well. People with high emotional intelligence are accepted more in teams and are considered more for leadership positions.

Be a master of your happiness

Native intelligence or brain intelligence enables one to learn and master information, especially with the aid of tools and technology, but it is emotional intelligence that determines the quality of our personal and professional lives. It makes sense to develop your emotional intelligence for advancement in your career, especially in today’s global business ambience where teamwork is important for success. Our ability to master our own emotions and that of others around us is the prime determinant of our happiness and success.