Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Tag: #health

10 Tips to Eat Healthy for Busy Entrepreneurs

Do you skip breakfast every morning because you have no time to eat (or don’t have the inclination)? When you are busy with work,...

11 Tips for a Digital Detox

With growing evidence that digital interaction can harm us, it’s time we took a break…In today’s frenetically paced world where you are glued to...

Your Business is Only as Healthy as You Are

To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to be on top of your game. And to do that, you need to be healthy.As an...

Diets are Not the Way to Go if Being Fit is...

Whether you work from home or run your own business, fitness should be a priority. But dieting is not the path to fitness; healthy...

12 Ways to Find Time for Fitness While Managing a Start-up

You may be a busy entrepreneur managing a start-up. But there are so many ways to find time for fitness in your daily life. We...

Sitting is the New smoking

Sitting is the new smokingThere is mounting evidence that sitting uninterrupted for long periods of time is an independent health riskWelcome to the age...

Enrich your Body, Mind and Soul

Enrich your body, mind and soul Meditation is a holistic path to a better lifeMore than anything else, in these stress-filled days, we aspire for...

Ten Reasons Why Indoor Plants Are Good for You

Ten Reasons Why Indoor Plants Are Good for YouLife indoors is cushy and luxurious, protecting us from ever-present danger – but the reality is...

Walk your way to good health

Walk your way to good health Walking is one of the safest and most effective forms of exercise to lose weightLife has become a rat...