Saturday, September 21, 2024
Home Tags #FITNESS


No Time to Hit the Gym? Work Out at Home!

Entrepreneurs are always stretched for time. And hence fitness often takes a backseat. But if you work out at home, you will always be...

Diets are Not the Way to Go if Being Fit is...

Whether you work from home or run your own business, fitness should be a priority. But dieting is not the path to fitness; healthy...

12 Ways to Find Time for Fitness While Managing a Start-up

You may be a busy entrepreneur managing a start-up. But there are so many ways to find time for fitness in your daily life. We...

Hire a Personal Trainer and Transform the Way You Exercise!

Whether you want to lose weight, become fitter or are an athlete, a personal trainer can surely guide you in the right direction to...

Twerking for the Glutes

Twerking is a new age version of Africa’s famous ‘Mapouka’ dance. Incidentally, this traditional African dance is also known as the ‘dance of the...