Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Crowdfunding Platforms You Need to Know Of

It is true that the crowdfunding platforms all over the world are actively involved in turning thousands of business ideas into realities and bringing...

Why Crowdfunding is the Way to go for Startups

People who have entrepreneurship in their genes normally succeed in setting up a business one way or the other. It is a different story...

Starting a Business? Here are 6 Areas You Shouldn’t Skimp On

Setting up your own business can be exciting and unnerving at the same time. Your new business may be a result of some random...

The Best Apps to Help you Manage Your Business Expenses

The last week of the month. This could be the shortest horror story for any solo entrepreneur who wishes to wrap up every pending...

Is it Necessary to Track Your Business Expenses? Let’s Find Out!

It is not uncommon for an entrepreneur to have a hundred things running in their minds at all times. Marketing the brand, bringing out...

How to Train yourself to be Frugal

Being frugal involves making a lifestyle change. It takes a lot of control to put a stopper on your wallet but, with a few...