Saturday, September 21, 2024
Home Tags #brand

Tag: #brand

Why Good Advertising Works

“In our factory we make lipstick, in our advertising we sell hope.” - Peter Nivio ZarlengaHow many of us can honestly say we’ve never been persuaded...

Pop-ups, Events, and Exhibitions – What to Keep in Mind

Pop-ups and stalls at exhibitions are a great vehicle for entrepreneurs to showcase their products…As an entrepreneur, whether you are an online or offline...

An Introduction to Drop Shipping

Are you one of those people who strongly feel that the pre-internet days were more peaceful? Where people would finish their studies and land...

The Importance of Price Tags that Entrepreneurs Should Know About

All of us would have bought some product from a traditional brick-and-mortar store at least once in our lifetime. With e-commerce becoming increasingly popular,...

How to Garner Customer Loyalty: A Guide for Small Businesses

Building customer loyalty used to be seen as a means to an end. Slowly, businesses are realizing the true worth of loyal customers and the value...

Why Customer Loyalty Should be at the Heart of Your Business...

It’s no secret that loyal customers spend more money.  In the case of many a small business, they are the ones that help keep...

6 Reasons Why a Good Logo is Important

Your logo is your signature, something which helps people to identify your brand.Most of us are familiar with many logos. Take for example, the...