Adding to your academic resume while you are getting some work experience as well can work out to be a great asset. Here is how you can do that successfully.
Although holding down a job while studying is a challenge, there are thousands of students who have done this successfully. So, if you are willing to make the sacrifices required, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Here are some tips to help.
Time management: Spend time planning and scheduling your academic calendar for the semester. Break it down into daily, weekly, monthly study schedules and stick to the plan diligently. Once the semester is done with, you will be more familiar with what is required and you can make the necessary changes for improved performance in the next semester. This is even more important if you are doing an online course or a long-distance education program, where you have no regular interaction with teachers or peers and you need high levels of self-motivation to stick to the deadlines.
Practice discipline: Make sure all the important dates (assignment deadlines, examination dates) are marked in a planner or calendar and placed where you can see them every day. Schedule study times to be able to make the deadlines well in advance; this will ease the stress of maintaining the work-study balance considerably. Find the perfect place and time to study – some students prefer to study in the night while for others, early morning works best. Work at self-discipline and once you have worked out the logistics, make the best use of whatever time you have within your tight schedule.
Make personal sacrifices: It’s time to say no to social events and invitations, especially if the dates collide with your study schedules. Make these personal sacrifices rather than rescheduling your study times, especially if there is a deadline to meet or the exams are just around the corner. There is no way you can keep up with a full social life and at the same time do justice to your academic and professional responsibilities. Be prepared to say no more often than you want to. Keep your long-term goals in mind and stay motivated.
Live healthy: It is important to stay healthy if you want to get through this stressful time and wing through it with flying colors. Make sure you take the time to eat healthy, exercise regularly and get enough sleep to ensure a fresh start to each day. Take a breather now and then to stay stress free. Stay focused and balanced. That’s the key to successfully combining higher studies with working.