Home Lifestyle A Short Guide to Home Decoration

A Short Guide to Home Decoration

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A Short Guide to Home Decoration

Moving into your own home? Well, you must be excited about decorating it!

So how does one begin the process of doing up one’s home? Selecting the right colors for the walls and doors is important. If you are moving into a small flat, or one that is not well ventilated, keep the colors neutral or pastel. Cream, off-white or pale shades of yellow or green will work. Dark shades make the house appear small and dingy. If you have large rooms, you could experiment with bolder colors, or paint one wall in a dark shade of red, brown or hot pink (depending on the rest of your décor) for a stunning effect.

Pay attention to the bathroom and kitchen fittings. These days there are so many products in the market to suit different pockets. Take time to scour around outlets, get brochures, tile samples and prices and then, shortlist the items that suit your budget and appeal to you aesthetically.

Kitchens may be much smaller today than the traditional ones that our grandmothers used. But with modular kitchens catching on in a big way, convenience and aesthetics are taken care of. They are designed to stack away all appliances neatly, so the kitchen looks sleek and stylish.

Bathrooms are going the designer way these days, with customized fittings, Jacuzzis, swank tubs and some awesome accessories. Today’s bathroom is no longer perceived as a mere utilitarian area! People spend quality time in the bathroom, unwinding and relaxing.

Select your accessories with care – taps, tiles, bathtubs, WCs, mirrors etc. Designing your own kitchen and bathroom gives your home an individual touch.  Kitchens need to be functional areas that can withstand a great deal of wear and tear, so the materials you select should be dictated by practicality. Bathrooms, like kitchens need to fulfil some definite functions.

In most houses, the living room is the largest area. It is where the family gathers, and where visitors are entertained. It is also the room upon which most money is spent – on curtains, furnishings, carpets, upholstery and ornaments and knick-knacks. So make sure that your living room décor has lasting appeal. If the living room is small, choose warm colored fabrics like yellow or mustard, or soothing greens and blues. Light colored curtains will brighten up a dull room.  You could go in for sheer curtains or blinds. They will give you privacy while allowing daylight to fill the room. An attractive carpet or elegant upholstery can provide the basis for the entire color scheme of the living room.

The bedroom is your very own personal space. Let its décor reflect your tastes and interests. A bedroom is a peaceful haven, the room where one retreats to for peace and much-needed rest!

Some bedrooms may serve a dual function. A teenager’s bedroom may double as a study. A child’s room will function as a playroom. Your bedroom may double up as a study too. If so, plan the layout of the bedroom accordingly. Keep in mind the various uses it will be put to. Have lots of storage space – built in cupboards, shelves and lofts.

Light fittings form an important aspect of home décor.  Utilitarian areas like kitchens and bathrooms require bright light. Study areas too require bright light. In the living room, bedrooms and dining room warm lighting gives a cozy, welcoming feel to the house. Bedrooms should have reading lights.

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Vinita Nayar
Dogs, books, music…that’s what makes life tick for me. And of course, writing. I’ve been writing for 17 years now and have enjoyed every bit of it. My idea of a great time – blast some music, cuddle my pets and gorge on pizza. Or curl up in a cozy corner with a good book. That’s bliss. And now, I’ve discovered a new bliss – yoga. Maybe, I’ll turn spiritual some day with a halo around my head! On a more serious note, I’m actively involved in animal welfare and saving abandoned dogs. I firmly believe dogs are much better than most human beings. In addition, I champion the cause of making our planet a better place. And do my bit in whatever way I can, and urge everyone to do the same.