Your logo is your signature, something which helps people to identify your brand.
Most of us are familiar with many logos. Take for example, the distinctive golden arches of Mc Donald’s or the famous Nike swoosh. Many of us also like to flaunt logos when we wear clothes; Nike is one example. Look at Louis Vuitton bags; the logo is proudly splashed on and people equally proudly carry them!
Which brings us to the importance of a good logo. Branding expert, Saul Bass says, “Logos are a graphic extension of the internal realities of a company.” Celebrated logo designer, Paul Rand sums it up to a T: “Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.”
Yes, your logo is a reflection of your business and homing in on a strong, attractive logo is imperative. You cannot take shortcuts on your logo. So, here’s why it’s important to have a great logo.
1. It reveals your identity: A logo tells customers who you are and what you stand for. It stands for your brand, it is the face of your brand or company.
2. It aids recognition: Increasingly, we are becoming a society where visual cues are gaining importance over text. A logo is a great visual cue to help clients and customers remember your brand. More so if you have a unique, attractive logo. Remember, brand recognition is paramount if you want your business to grow, and a memorable logo is a sure facilitator.
3. It invites new customers: If you are new in the business and have a quirky or striking logo, potential customers would be interested in finding out what you have on offer. Once it piques their curiosity, they may want to check out your product or service and may even buy it.
4. It is associated with professionalism: If you are just starting out in a new business, many people will not take you seriously. But a logo and a strong brand identity cue professionalism, which in turn makes potential investors, clients or customers take you seriously.
5. It distinguishes you from the competition: Chances are that you are not the only one offering a particular product or service. Let’s say you are selling burgers. There are so many burger joints in the city. How do people know who you are? It’s your name and logo that make you stand out and create awareness about your presence. So, make sure both are unique. A good logo will set you apart.
6. It cues consistency: Today, your business will be present across multiple platforms – both offline and online. So, you need consistency across platforms to aid brand recognition and brand identity.
If you are a start-up, do not take shortcuts where your logo is concerned. Hire a professional design team because your logo is the signature for your company and is here to stay. You could go for a word logo like Amazon or an emblem logo like Apple. That is your choice and is also based on the product or service you are offering. Just remember that your logo should be unique, eye-catching and distinctly recognizable.