
Hacks for Working Two Jobs at a Time

Juggling careers can bring in money and happiness!

Today the work environment is fraught with uncertainty – the dreaded ‘pink slip’ looms like a Damocles’ sword over one’s head. Stress too takes a toll – not only because one never knows when one will be laid off – but there’s increased competition, late working hour, tiring commutes and increased pressure to perform. To add to our woes, the cost of living has gone up too.

With all these pressures, many people are exploring the option of juggling two or more professions. There are many other reasons that people take on two jobs. It could be

  • students trying to pay off loans,
  • people with part-time jobs who are looking to make more money,
  • people whose main job is their bread-and-butter, but who seek an alternative profession in an area they love and
  • those who just want to make ends meet.

Juggling careers is not an impossible task; it just requires some clear focus, good time-management and dedication.

You need time: This works on two levels. If you plan to take on an additional job, you need to have time to spare. Otherwise it will not work out in the long run – it will only add to your stress and dishearten you. So be sure that you plan how much time you can dedicate to your second job. If you do have the time to spare, then time management is very crucial. Plan for how much time you will dedicate to each job and how you propose to do this.

Extend your professional skills: In this scenario, if you take on an additional job, you will be doing something related to your field of expertise. For instance, a copywriter in an advertising agency can moonlight for smaller agencies, a marketing manager can do consultancy work on the side, a teacher can take tuition. This way, you do not have to learn new skills; you just derive maximum benefits from your existing skills.

Develop hobbies into professions: Many of us have a hobby – painting, writing, gardening, etc. Why not make your hobby into a career to bring in that extra income? This way, you make money from something you love to do. Most of us are stuck in dull, dreary jobs that we have to continue with because we need to bring in the money. What better way to add cheer to your life than doing what you love and bringing in the extra bucks!

Take risks: If you have the courage to give up your job and explore alternate professions working out of home, do it. It gives you the ultimate satisfaction. Develop a hobby into a profession and take on a part-time job, or develop two hobbies into professions.

Freelance Living the life of the freelancer by working remotely or onsite at a company under contract is becoming increasingly common as companies respond to tighter deadlines and greater demands. And if you have marketable skills, a freelance job can reward you handsomely. A freelance gig can always pay off in unexpected ways, too. At best it may turn into a full-time position; if not, you continue learning new skills. And with freelancing, you can explore two, even three, professions simultaneously.

Plan your money: If you plan to work from home, or start an additional business, plan your finances carefully. Any business requires investments, and that money is going to come out of your savings or your income from your steady job. And the returns on investment may take time. So plan carefully – the idea of juggling two careers is most often to make more money; don’t end up losing money!

Broaden your horizons: Learning about other fields or recent developments in your current profession is a great way to extend your knowledge. Take a class through a continuing education program, take correspondence courses or online courses.  In today’s uncertain world, any free time you have is the perfect opportunity to pick up a hobby, develop a new skill, or re-acquaint yourself with an interest you pushed out of your life. These can be put to use when you decide to take on an additional career.

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Vinita Nayar
Dogs, books, music…that’s what makes life tick for me. And of course, writing. I’ve been writing for 17 years now and have enjoyed every bit of it. My idea of a great time – blast some music, cuddle my pets and gorge on pizza. Or curl up in a cozy corner with a good book. That’s bliss. And now, I’ve discovered a new bliss – yoga. Maybe, I’ll turn spiritual some day with a halo around my head! On a more serious note, I’m actively involved in animal welfare and saving abandoned dogs. I firmly believe dogs are much better than most human beings. In addition, I champion the cause of making our planet a better place. And do my bit in whatever way I can, and urge everyone to do the same.