How to Jazz Up a Dull Corner

How often do you find some corners in your home that seem to cry out for attention? Here are some simple inexpensive ideas that can help transform those neglected corners into a conversational piece.

Corners at the entrance:

  • Odd-shaped areas at the entrance can be livened up by the clever use of mirrors. Ensure they are not hung exactly opposite the front door (according to the principles of Feng Shui).
  • A console table with a striking crystal bowl or a shiny brass pot with freshly-cut flowers or dried flower arrangements add a welcome touch as one walks into the home.
  • Bright paintings and rugs can add color. Rugs can be rolled out only when expecting guests as they tend to get dusty and fade very quickly.
  • A rich-colored paint applied on a feature wall makes an interesting play of light in the room.

Corners under staircases:

  • These bare awkward corners can be transformed with a collection of houseplants grouped around say a Buddha or a statute set atop a low table.
  • Ensure the houseplants are a variety that do not require too much natural light.
  • If the table is long, one can use the space to display a collection of knick-knacks, colored stones or interesting seashells.
  • It’s an ideal spot to hang some small paintings as well.
  • In the evenings, you could light up the area with a small table lamp or a hanging lamp.

Corners by a window:

  • These are ideal for an intimate seating area with two chairs and a table. Mirrorwork cushion covers or plain silk cushion covers would add a touch of elegance.
  • A simple inexpensive yet rich wall hanging can be fashioned by framing a portion of an old silk kanjeevaram or Benares sari.
  • Here, again, a collection of houseplants can create a wonderful atmosphere.

All of us have an innate ability to do up our homes in a style that suits our tastes and budget. While decorating one’s house it is important to keep in mind that:

* Less is always more.

* Choose neutral colors for upholstery to allow for one’s collection of bric-a-brac, antiques and paintings to easily blend in.

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Shailaja Padmanabhan
A tourism professional for 20 years, I was forced to take a sabbatical when my husband moved jobs. It turned out to be a blessing in some ways. I now exult in the luxury of time as my much-loved career had taken precedence over my family, home, health and friends. Slipping with ease into the role of domestic Goddess has not been easy. Mundane chores bore me to tears. Long distance parenting is what I enjoy the most- conversations with my 28-year-old son and 23-year-old daughter - lecturing them, cajoling them, scolding them and above all being a friend to them. My cat Kaddy and dog Zsa Zsa are my silent companions during the day, providing unconditional love in abundance. Pets are great stress busters provided you have systems in place for their care. Exercise is an integral part of my day, be it the gym or yoga. Bollywood dance classes are my passion. I have a confession to make - this Auntyji loves to dance :-)