Green Tea for Weight Loss

Green tea should be an integral part of your daily diet for its health-protective potential curative qualities and weight control factors.

Green tea (Botanical name: Camellia sinensis) is made from the leaves of an evergreen tree that can reach to 30-feet heights in the wild. However, in tea plantations, the plant is pruned to about three feet, which helps new growth and easy plucking.

In use for thousands of years, green tea is a medicinal beverage. Originating in China, green tea is now popular world over. It has tremendous health benefits when compared to your brewed cuppa. Green tea leaves are less fermented, minimally processed and retain maximum quantities of antioxidants and poly-phenols.

Green tea has immense benefits especially for age-related and lifestyle diseases. Green tea helps in diabetes, heart disease, controlling BP, preventing formation of clots, reducing bad cholesterol in the blood and improving the ratio between good and bad cholesterol. It is also widely used in the treatment of cancer, especially Esophageal Cancer. Regular intake of green tea helps to delay the deterioration in brain cells that cause Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

The best news is that green tea is very effective in weight control and fat loss since it boosts metabolism. In a world where obesity is rising alarmingly, the benefits of green tea are being touted increasingly.

green-tea1Green tea for fat control

  1. The polyphenol in green tea helps to increase levels of fat oxidation. Combined with exercise, it impacts the rate at which the body turns food into calories. It contains many antioxidants especially catechins that boost metabolism.
  2. Decaffeinated green tea extract helps people lose weight. The question is how many cups. Scientists say six to seven cups daily while others say two to three.
  3. Tea contains caffeine, the stimulant that aids in burning fat.
  4. Fat must first be broken down in the fat cell. It is then moved into the bloodstream, and then becomes available to the body as energy. Green tea has important compounds that boost the working of fat-burning hormones.
  5. Green tea helps with weight loss by reducing appetite. That means an intake of fewer calories, which automatically helps to control weight.
  6. A cup of plain green tea contains only two calories.

Green tea is great to drink anytime, anywhere. Add a teaspoon of honey and a dash of lemon to enhance the taste and embark on your weight loss journey!

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Padmini Natarajan
Padmini Natarajan calls herself Dame Quixote for she is forever tilting at windmills! A storyteller, poet, columnist, blogger, editor and journalist, she has specialized as a Culinary Editor and contributed content, edited and collaborated on Cookbooks. She has worked for over 15 years as Part-time Language Editor and Writer of manuals, curriculum textbooks and other material with an E-education organization, EZVidya/Chrysalis that is aimed at empowering Teachers, Students and Parents. She taught Vedic Heritage at Kalavardini to children from the ages of 3 to 14 and written and directed skits and plays. She won the Gourmand Special Jury Award in Paris in 2009 as co-author of ‘Classic Tamil Brahmin Cuisine’. Her book of short stories - ‘Crossroads: Stories from South Indian Lives’ - has good reviews on Amazon. Padmini has been concerned with paying it forward with her involvement in organizations like Sneha, a suicide prevention NGO, Canstop, Cancer Support group and many women’s organizations. Her other passion was acting, on stage, TV and screen. She is a wordsmith, a voracious reader, crossword buff, a music maniac who listens to Golden Oldies and has a strong Facebook presence. Nowadays she is an armchair activist and world traveler from the safety of her home. Quite the hypochondriac, she is exploring spiritual enlightenment through Vedanta and loves to spout philosophical thoughts to unwary audiences.