Go Cruising!

Cruises are no longer an exotic holiday option restricted to the rich and famous

Are you planning to go off on a holiday? Wondering what to do? Bored with the usual options of hill stations, beach resorts or historical destinations? Are you in the mood to try something new? Well, how about a cruise? Today there’s such an amazing range of cruises to choose from, both international and national.

Old world charm: Why a cruise, you may ask. There is something so charming about a cruise. You can enjoy that much-sought after relaxed holiday. No rushing from airport to airport, or sitting on a crowded train. No hassles of checking in and checking out of hotels.

You get the best of both worlds: You get to enjoy the splendid beauty of the ocean day after day while you sun yourself on the decks of the ship. And you have all the comforts that a hotel provides you – tasteful rooms (cabins in this case), multi-cuisine restaurants, swimming pools, indoor and outdoor games and entertainment. So, you can choose how you wish to enjoy your vacation – sunbathe on the deck if that’s what you want, or indulge in sports for an action-packed holiday! Health freaks can work-out at the gym. And for those who like a spot of pampering, there are masseurs to massage away the tension and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Foodie’s delight: For the compulsive foodie, it is heaven on earth with food available round the clock. And the choice of cuisines will leave spoilt for choice! There’s something for everyone. Imagine being served a buffet on the deck; you can eat delicious food under a starlit canopy and watch the silent dark sea as the cruise liner silently cuts the waves and progresses towards its destination. Sheer paradise!

Rocking nightlife: For those who love entertainment, cruise liners come alive at night.  Take your pick from dancing, live entertainment in nightclubs, discos and lounges, feature films and parties. Many ships even have casinos. Most cruises even host special events and theme parties to add to the excitement.  And the night can go on for as long as you want. Stay up all night and witness the awe-inspiring sight of sunrise on the ocean.

Soaking in new sights: The lovely thing about a cruise is the opportunity to see so many new places. There are short and long cruises. You can opt for a four-day, three-night cruise or, if you have time and money, take off on a long cruise where you get to see a host of new places and experience many different cultures.

Your ship will typically arrive in a port early in the morning, at which time you are free to go ashore. In most cases, you will be back on board the ship by evening. This gives you ample time to enjoy shore excursions. You could even explore the place on your own and go off to do some shopping or soak in the local flavors.

Cruises to suit all pockets: There are cruise vacations to suit every budget, from the budget-conscious to the most luxurious. And, a cruise offers the best travel value for your money. Your fare is all-inclusive of all meals and accommodation, and some or all onboard daytime activities, nighttime parties and entertainment. It becomes easy for you to budget and estimate since you know beforehand what your vacation will end up costing. Your additional expenses will be drinks, optional shore excursions, and personal services such as massage or a manicure. You’ll be astonished at the value you receive for the money you spend.

Go Cruising!1A multitude of advantages

Check out the list below and see for yourself what the advantages of a cruise holiday are:

  • There are cruises available to suit any budget.
  • From three to hundred days, you can choose a cruise to fit your timetable.
  • At a hotel, you check in. On a cruise, you check out!
  • You don’t have to keep checking out the menu to see if the dish is affordable! You’ve paid upfront!
  • Cruising allows quality time with your family or friends.
  • You get to see so many different places, even countries, within a short span of time
  • Imagine being surrounded by the magnificent view of the ocean every day!
  • No packing-unpacking-packing-unpacking-packing.
  • The world is two-thirds water. Until you go on a cruise, you really haven’t really experienced our planet!
  • You can revitalize your mind, body and soul by spending quality time relaxing.
  • There is a range of menus to suit everyone – from the gourmet to the health freak.
  • A resort just sits there, but a cruise will move you to new places, new cultures and new experiences.
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Vinita Nayar
Dogs, books, music…that’s what makes life tick for me. And of course, writing. I’ve been writing for 17 years now and have enjoyed every bit of it. My idea of a great time – blast some music, cuddle my pets and gorge on pizza. Or curl up in a cozy corner with a good book. That’s bliss. And now, I’ve discovered a new bliss – yoga. Maybe, I’ll turn spiritual some day with a halo around my head! On a more serious note, I’m actively involved in animal welfare and saving abandoned dogs. I firmly believe dogs are much better than most human beings. In addition, I champion the cause of making our planet a better place. And do my bit in whatever way I can, and urge everyone to do the same.