Banish Under-Eye Circles the Natural Way

The causes for under-eye circles are many. Getting rid of them naturally is the best way.

Also called dark rings, panda eyes or shadows, under-eye circles can be caused due to age, heredity or lifestyle. Men and women, young and old, can have them. Though they are not a serious condition, they make a person look exhausted, unhealthy and older. While cosmetics are available for treating them, it is best to use natural remedies as they are not just safer but the healing is complete.

Some ways to naturally banish under-eye circles are:

Oils: Almond oil is very effective for the delicate under-eye skin. Massage the oil gently in a circular motion around the eyes. You can combine this with coconut oil or Vitamin E oil as well. Leave it overnight and wash the next morning with cold water. Repeat this every night till the dark circles disappear completely.

Potato: Potato slices or grated potato are great for panda eyes. The natural bleaching agents present in potatoes not just lighten the dark circles but also helps to get rid of any puffiness around the eyes. Extract juice from the grated potatoes. Soak a cotton ball in the juice extract and place it on the eyes, making sure the juice ball covers the eyelids as well as the dark circles. Leave for about 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. Alternatively, raw, cold potato slices can be placed on the eyes and dark circles. Repeating this exercise twice a day for about two or three weeks will get you the desired results.

Cucumber: The mild astringent and skin-lightening properties of cucumber work wonders in getting rid of dark circles. A bonus is that cucumbers are soothing and refreshing to the eyes. Place fresh, thick and chilled cucumber slices on dark circles for about ten minutes. Wash thoroughly with water. Do this twice a day for a week and watch those dark circles disappear.

Tomato: Tomato has strong bleaching properties that can effectively lighten skin. Mix tomato juice and lemon juice and apply the mixture on the dark circles. Rinse with cool water after ten minutes. You can wash with coconut water too, for added nourishment. Do this twice a day and repeat consistently for a few weeks, and you will definitely see the results.

Rosewater: Rosewater has mild astringent properties and acts wonderfully as a skin toner. It soothes the eyes and rejuvenates them in addition to reducing dark circles. Soak cotton balls in rosewater for a few minutes. Leave them on closed eyelids for about 15 minutes and rinse. Following this up to twice a day for about two to three weeks will work to banish those dark circles.

Herbal teas: Used herbal tea bags double up as a great pack for the eyes to get rid of dark circles. Keep the used bags in the fridge and place them on your eyes after an eye massage. They dramatically lighten those panda eyes.

Used consistently and in the appropriate manner, the best way to banish under-eye circles is using natural remedies.