Padmini Natarajan
The Lady of Jams
She started to ‘spread’ the goodness of her homemade jams and pickles to friends. Soon, she was deluged by demand for her products and...
Pranic Healing – A Bridge to Spirituality
Pranic healing, an alternative healing solution, uses prana (energy) to cure ailments by manipulating the body’s energy fields. Sangeetha Prabhakar, 50, is a Chennai-based...
Neem – A Bitter Cure
The neem tree is called sarva roga nivarini (a cure for all diseases) in Ayurveda. It has amazing medicinal properties.It is the season when...
Hacks for Women to Juggle Home and Work
Life for women is like a rubber band that stretches between home and work, often twanging painfully, even breaking at times. How can women...
Developing Good Interpersonal Skills
Developing Good Interpersonal SkillsInterpersonal skills are all about your relationships with people. These skills are an indicator of your ability to mix with people...
The Importance of Friendship
The Importance of FriendshipGood friends are rare and far between. Be a good friend to get good friends!!When you read ancient texts from any...
How to Be a Good Friend
How to Be a Good FriendFriends are not easy to come by…and a good friend is like a precious gem, to keep and to...
Waste Not, Want Not!
Waste Not, Want Not!Presenting 10 ways to avoid wasting food…It’s a value dinned in to us by grandmas and teachers—waste not, want not, especially...
Yoga for Insomnia
Yoga for InsomniaSleepless, tossing and turning, counting sheep, reciting multiplication tables and poetry and still awake like the proverbial owl? You can turn to...
How to Be a Gracious Host
How to Be a Gracious HostIs ‘etiquette’ a word that has disappeared with the Victorian and 20th century way of life? Read on...