Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Meera Srikant

Meera Srikant

Meera Srikant
Meera Srikant wears many hats - writer, editor, blogger, dancer, teacher, mother and wife, as the mood dictates. Each role is an enriching experience that keeps her busy and happy.

8 Home Remedies to Treat Puffy Eyes

8 Home Remedies to Treat Puffy EyesSuffer from puffy eyes? Here are some easy hacks to help you…Puffy eyes are not only unattractive, but...

10 Ways to Beat Stress at Work

10 Ways to Beat Stress at WorkWe all face stress at work; that’s a given. Here are some pointers to beat that stress…Productivity, effectiveness,...

15 Ways to Ease the Symptoms of Heartburn and Acid Reflux

15 Ways to Ease the Symptoms of Heartburn and Acid RefluxHeartburn is a common problem faced by adults. It could be a rare instance...

10 Ways to Be Self-Motivated

10 Ways to Be Self-MotivatedThe fuel to our fire to achieve anything in life is motivation. More often than not, though, we feel dejected...

15 Benefits of Having a Business Website

15 Benefits of Having a Business WebsiteToday, even a two-year-old knows how to look for information on the mobile as smartphones connect people, businesses...

15 Ways to Simplify Your Life

15 Ways to Simplify Your LifeIn the pursuit of material comforts, as work takes center stage, we rarely get a chance to truly enjoy...

Cumin – A Multipurpose Ingredient for Better Health

Cumin or jeera is a staple in Indian cooking. But do you know its health benefits?Cumin or jeera is a popular spice used in...

Why Olive Oil is Good for You

Olive oil has many uses – in cooking as well as in personal care. While it enhances the flavor of foods and spices, it...

How to Overcome Procrastination

How to Overcome ProcrastinationYou have a pressing deadline… Oh, but there is one more day left!You must visit your aunt… There is a lifetime...

Household Chores Can Help You Stay Fit

Household Chores Can Help You Stay FitIn India, it’s common to leave the household chores to the domestic help and hit the gym to...