business ideas

9 Small Business Ideas

Turning entrepreneur just became easier with these new, innovative business ideas

Do you dream of being your own boss? That dream might just come true with some thoughtful investments and a lot of hard work. You may be thinking big, but it is always advisable to start small. Look around and you will find a wide variety of small businesses thriving. If you are still confused, here’s a list of nine small business ideas, which may appeal to the entrepreneur in you:

1) Start a food catering business: If you love to cook, then this is the business for you. You can begin a food catering business right in the comfort of your home without too much of a hassle.

2) Online retailing: If you are familiar with the Internet, then you can succeed in the field of online retailing. You can either set up your own online business or help others do the same. You can help clients use the various social media platforms in a better manner.

3) Online stores: The Internet can open up a whole new market of buyers if one uses it in the correct way. Setting up an online store is always a good idea. You can sell small trinkets, jewelry, art & craft, etc. online to a wide range of customers.

4) Software training sessions: If you are a software professional then the best business you can lead is setting up software training classes. Start will small sessions and then later, you can even set up a training institute.

5) Contractor work: Another much in-demand business idea is outsourcing contractor work. Experts suggest that this year there will be more demand for independent contractors so the prospects for this market is high.

6)Translation services: With boundaries among countries fast disappearing, there is a huge market for translation services. Freelancing/setting up a translation firm is a good business idea.

7)Housekeeping services: Housekeeping services are much in demand with many companies opening office on a regular basis. Setting up a housekeeping services company is a good business choice for home-makers planning to turn entrepreneur.

8)Recycling pickup: While most houses have pickups for regular trash, they are not willing to venture out to properly recycle electronic goods. You can set up a recycling service, which will pick up all the unused electronics and batteries. You can earn money by charging a nominal fee.9)

9)Event management: If you are a people’s person and love organizing get-togethers then event management is a great option for you. An event management company can be set up right in your home and you can successfully turn your passion into profession.