
5 Smart Ways to Start a Business on a Shoestring Budget

Starting a business on a small budget may seem difficult but with a few valuable tips, it becomes a lot easier…

Everyone wants to become their own boss one day. They dream of setting up their own business, becoming financially independent and soaring to greater heights. However, for most people, this dream never becomes a reality. There are many reasons for this – lack of investment capital, lack of resources, too many risks involved, etc. Among all the factors cited, money or the lack of it is the biggest roadblock for people wanting to venture into entrepreneurship.

It may be difficult to start a new venture on a shoestring budget. One, however, need not despair and give up on their dreams. With financial savvy decisions and careful resourcefulness, you can soon become the proud owner of a business. Here are some tips on how:

1) Work from home: The main worry for new business people is leasing office space. It costs a bomb and with all the added overheads, is a cause for concern for someone wanting to venture out. The best solution for this is to work from home, as this will help save a lot on the setting up front. A home office is ideal for those with online businesses as most of their work is done on the web.

2) Go online: In today’s digital age, most business deals are cracked online. Take advantage of online communities and try to do most of your business via the Internet. Set up a website, with all the relevant information and interaction abilities and voila! You are all set.

3) Do your research: If you are setting up a business on a small budget, it always helps to do a complete market research. Study the field you are specializing in, your competitors, the ups and downs of the industry, etc. Exhaustive research will help you plan your services in the most efficient manner possible.4)

4) Save money wherever possible: An important mantra to remember when starting one’s own venture is to cut costs from the beginning itself. Go through all your expenses and cut down those expenses that are not necessary. This move will help channel money into immediate requirements.

5) Work with a wholesaler: While you are purchasing products as a start-up, it is always better to work with vendors who are ready to help new businesses. They will even help with minimizing your budget. To find and contact such vendors be a regular at trade shows or visit wholesalers/distributors directly.