Say ‘journaling’ and stereotypes of ‘Sweet Valley High’ is what comes to my mind first. I bet everyone has kept a diary at some point in their life. It could have been in your childhood, during your sweet teenage years, or as you grew into a youthful adult.

I’ve kept a diary since I was seven years old, but honestly, I wasn’t regular at it. And I’m sure many of you can agree with me on the last bit. Allow me to let you in on a secret. A pen coupled with paper serves as a powerful life tool. Journaling can be highly beneficial to you as a person. The ability to see the big picture in your lives, better mental clarity, cataloguing every life event—does that sound good to you? Yes? Then let’s explore the benefits of journaling some more.


  1. Better your IQ: Journaling can significantly improve your IQ. As part of learning language, writing is said to have a positive link with intelligence. And journaling being an exploration of language, you’ll find yourself searching for new words, thereby increasing your vocabulary. Also, with each entry you make, you actually write better. You edit out certain things in your head, before the ink even hits the paper.


  1. Reaching your goals: It’s most likely that you’ll pen down your dreams and ambitions in your journal. Though they may be a little dreamy or fancy, you have thought it out and put it down in writing. Baby steps definitely help. Your journal can be the blueprint for your life goals. As you jot things down, remind yourself how important it is for you to achieve them. In turn, your mind will be alert in flagging down ideas relevant to your ambitions. The more well laid-out a plan is, the more likely you are to act on it.



  1. List what you’re grateful for: This is the one journaling habit that will make you feel most content on the inside. Every day, pen down a few things that you are grateful for. As the days pass, you’ll see that you have to dig deeper for these things. You will also realize that it is indeed the small things that really matter in life. You will automatically find yourself being thankful for each and everything in your life.


  1. It’s a cathartic release: More than anything, journaling helps you get things off your mind. You could be happy, frustrated, annoyed—pick any emotion, and journaling can help you release all of it. Start by writing down whatever comes to your mind first. Resist the urge to wait for the perfect sentence to write down. Here’s an example. Are you pissed off at someone? Feel like you want to punch them in the face? Go ahead and do it! Wait, no. I’m just kidding. Here’s what you actually do in that situation. Write a note to that person. Let it all out. You’ll feel half relieved by the time you let out all your emotions on paper. Not satisfied yet? Take the piece of paper, rip it up, and throw it away. I know it sounds silly, but believe me, it helps.


The best part about journaling is that it helps you connect better with your emotions, values and goals. Journaling evokes mindfulness, making you a happier and healthier person.