15 Ways to be Happier in 2017

It’s that time of the year to take stock of the 365 days that rushed past and plan on adding   new zing to our lives!

Let’s embrace 2017 with cheer and chalk out an itinerary packed with a lot of fun and happiness!  Here are 15 ideas for a Happy 2017.

  1. ‘Me’ space, ‘me’ time

 Begin with yourself first! Choose a place and a time to do what you like. Every day, devote exclusive time for something you enjoy doing such as listening to music, reading, dancing, painting, singing or even lazing around dreamily… just do it!

  1. People I love 
  • When it’s a question of family, it’s time to chuck social media! 
  • Surprise your parents by offering to do little errands or taking on a new responsibility.
  • Lend that dress your sibling has been after or take your sibling out for a special time together.
  • Plan intimate time with your spouse doing things jointly at home or go for exciting trips.
  • Nothing can beat fun-filled time with your kids! Set apart more ‘kids’ time’ in 2017 and do fun things together, especially during weekends.
  • Plan family barbeques, camping and trekking trips, visits to exotic eateries, creative events like theater, music and dance, book-reading sessions, interesting outdoor and indoor activities and anything you believe will make your family time memorable.
  1. Friendly encounters
  • 2017 should pack in different experiences with your friends other than parties, eat-outs, sleepovers, movies or trips. It’s time for something you could all enjoy doing together like a cruise, a boating trip, trekking, a nature trip or sporting endeavor, theater or the performing arts or even organizing a flash dance!
  • Surprise your teacher or boss by giving a compliment and completing your tasks diligently.
  • Smile at your neighbor and lend a helping hand, and think of little ways of helping people who are part of your life like domestic helpers, drivers, watchmen, etc. 
  1. My community 

We are happiest in our homes and in our community. In 2017, you can pitch in your bit for your community by volunteering to take on work like planting trees, waste management, water-saving ventures, ensuring cleanliness of the surroundings, education and skill training of needy children and youth, taking care of seniors and doing errands for them, etc.

  1. Body work 

To stay happy, you need to be fit. Your 2017 timetable should include a fitness schedule every day. Pack in yoga, walking, jogging, swimming or cycling at least five days a week. Better still, join a gym, fitness class, Zumba, aerobics, yoga or Pilates to keep you in top shape and to add a social element that can make workouts more engaging and fun.

  1. Beat the stress 

2017 is going to be one year when stress should fly out of your life! Meditation is a globally acknowledged way to beat stress. It is a good idea to introduce meditation into your daily schedule. Start with five minutes and go up to 20 minutes.

  1. Reinvent hobbies 

Dust that guitar and strum a little tune, pick up the unused brush and paint a picture on the canvas you had wanted to do; let the music flow freely from your throat or prance to your favorite tune… waking up the slumbering artist will add a lot of cheer!

  1. Commune with nature 

Relating to nature will elevate your mind! Plan nature walks and treks during weekends and holidays. Take up gardening or enliven your homes with potted plants.

  1. Budget point

Financial issues are usually a cause of stress. Make a realistic budget for 2017 and resolve to stick to it. When you pay more attention to your finances, you will be more in control of your life and allow for indulgences in a smart way.

  1. Organize your home 

A disorderly home or rooms make your mind cluttered too and will deprive you of peace. Organize things at home, ensure comfortable and pleasing furniture and furnishings and come back from work to a haven where you can relax.

  1. Cook and eat healthy 

Cooking is cathartic, creative and enjoyable. Take control of your health by learning to cook healthy meals at home and enjoy good health this year.

  1. Stay clean 

Kick harmful habits successfully in 2017. Drink a little less, stop smoking, avoid gorging on foods high in trans-fat and say no to fast foods and aerated drinks.

  1. Focus on your goals 

Set aside a little time to focus on your goal everyday so that you are not stressed out about things not getting done. Make journals, diary entries or schedules and go about completing the chores you have listed.

  1. Commit to a cause 

Committing to a cause gives a purpose in life and makes the world a better place. It brings a lot of peace and happiness too. Take on volunteering work, educating, sponsoring, donating, adopting pets and spreading awareness on important issues.

  1. Composure 

Composure and poise will help you sail through your life with happiness. Shed anger, bitterness, hatred and envy that consume you, forgive those who have hurt you. Wear your smile and welcome 2017 with open hands!

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Swati Amar
Swati Amar calls herself ‘the write person’ precisely because she claims her brain starts functioning only when her fingers dance over the computer keyboard. Gripped by an obsessive compulsion to write, her day is incomplete until she has ‘keyed’ in a few lines. Moving from counting money as an erstwhile banker in State Bank of India, Swati has been counting words for more than fifteen years. She has contributed copiously to various print and online publications in English and Tamil, numbering over 15K articles on varied subjects. Swati Amar swears allegiance to the Chennai Press Club and prides on her experience as a media entrepreneur and consultant, never losing a ‘write’ opportunity. Swati’s favorite pastime is to watch News on television, read, revel in melody, doodle and dawdle and follow the footsteps of global chefs when time permits. She believes that a good laugh peps up one’s life! And the write words too…