15 Reasons Why Eggs Are a Superfood

Nutrition experts hold eggs in high esteem for the many benefits this superfood can give you if you consume it regularly.

Research has proven that people who consume eggs maintain good health. Till a few years back, too much of egg was considered a bad thing. However, researchers now agree that eggs are loaded with nutrients and recommend consuming them every day.

So why are eggs considered a super food?

  1. 1. Eggs are highly nutritious: Considered one of the most nutritious foods, a single egg can pack incredible amounts of vitamins, proteins and healthy fats. Vitamins A, D, E, K, B5, B6 and B12 and minerals like calcium and zinc are all found in this wonder food.
  2. Eggs lower blood pressure: Peptides present in eggs are good for keeping blood pressure low.
  3. Eggs are high in protein: They are a great source of protein, with one single egg carrying about six grams of it.
  4. Eggs contain Omega 3: An essential nutrient that is good for the heart is Omega 3 and eggs contain this is high levels.
  5. Eggs keep cholesterol low: Though eggs contain cholesterol they keep the levels low in people consuming them regularly.
  6. Eggs keep nerves and brain healthy: Eggs contain 20 percent of choline which is vital for phospholipids present in cell membranes. This level helps maintain brain and nerve health.
  7. 7. Eggs keep eyes healthy: Eggs contain the carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein which protect the eyes and defend against damaging free radicals. They help in protecting the eyes from damages resulting from UV exposure. They also slow down the process of macular degeneration and cataract which occur due to aging.
  8. 8. Eggs prevent insomnia: The amino acids in eggs have great antioxidant properties. They enhance moods and get converted to melatonin in the pineal gland, which helps induce good sleep.
  9. Eggs contain vitamins for essential antioxidant conversion: The Vitamin B12 in eggs converts homocysteine into an important antioxidant, glutathione.
  10. 10. Eggs prevent colon polyps and breast cancer: Regular intake of eggs helps the calcium in them to arrest the risk of colon polyps and breast cancer.
  11. 11. Eggs help reduce birth defects: The percentage of folate in eggs helps prevent birth defects. So it is essential to consume eggs in the prenatal period.
  12. 12. Eggs improve the immune system: The Vitamin A present in eggs plays a vital role in improving your overall health and strengthening your immune system.
  13. Eggs are good for hair and nails: The vitamins, minerals and especially the sulfur present in eggs help keep hair and nails strong and healthy.
  14. Eggs reduce the risk from tumors: Eggs are a rich source of selenium. This helps prevents cancer and tumors, particularly those affecting the prostate.
  15. Eggs help in weight control: Eggs contain healthy fats which are good for weight control. Just add one egg to your daily diet; the essential nutrients and protein in eggs will keep your energy levels high.

Eggs are a no-nonsense superfood. They are readily available, easy to prepare, taste delicious and are great for your health. So, ‘Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao ande’!