Home Home 10 Ways to Celebrate New Year without Partying

10 Ways to Celebrate New Year without Partying

celebrate new year

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of New Year is partying. But if you are not a party buff, there are several other ways to celebrate and welcome the New Year.

If you are a person who prefers staying at home, then why should New Year be any different? If you are not into boozing, dancing or hanging outdoors with a group when New Year sets in, don’t. There are plenty of different ways to celebrate New Year, which you will enjoy more.

Some of them are:

  1. Relax and unwind. After a hectic year of running the life marathon, you deserve to sit back and chill. Curl up in your favorite corner with a book or music CD.
  2. Catch up on movies that were hits during the year which you missed out on. Watching them on your home theater system can be more enjoyable than in a crowded multiplex.
  3. Get a spa treatment before heading home. It refreshes you and gives you a fresh, rejuvenating start.
  4. Make a shopping list. Complete it; and you can fill your cart with stuff that’s not on the list too. Indulgence is allowed on New Year! Open your shopping bags once you have settled down at home. Sip on your favorite juice or bite into a bar of chocolate as you put away your goodies one by one.
  5. If setting things right relaxes you, go on a cleaning spree. Getting rid of old things and replacing them with new is therapeutic, which will get you started in the New Year on a revitalized note.
  6. Indulge the dancer in you. If an audience bothers you, give in to your two left feet when you are all alone at home. Mimic your favorite actor’s dance steps and up your entertainment quotient.
  7. If you are in the habit of keeping a diary, New Year is a good time to sum up. List important things you want to remember and carry it over to your fresh diary. It will give a kick-start to the New Year.
  8. Listen to your romantic side. Set up a romantic evening with candles, flowers, music… the works for your spouse or partner. It will uplift both your moods and add zing to the celebrations.
  9. If cooking is your passion, cook up recipes both old and new. Welcoming the New Year with a hot home-cooked meal is heavenly. The leftovers will be sure to carry you over for the week, which is a side bonus.
  10. Spend time with your spouse and children. Play a game of cards or get out the board games. As the cheering and laughter fills the house, there is no better way for the New Year to set in.