
10 Common NY Resolutions and How to Achieve Them

New Year resolutions are easy to make and hard to accomplish. Fulfill all your 2017 resolutions with these useful tips

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of New Year? What else but New Year resolutions!! We think of the resolutions we made a year earlier and take stock of whether we have completed them or not. As 2017 dawns upon us, here’s a quick guide to some New Year resolution ideas and how to see them through:

  1. Getting fit: This must be the most over-rated New Year resolution. If you are not exercising enough, then take a resolve this New Year to do more. Merely making a resolution is not enough; you need to see it through. To do that, set realistic fitness goals. Know your body better so schedule exercises that work best for your body type. You must make a proper plan and stick to it, no matter what.
  2. Enjoying the small things: We are so caught up in the rat race that we do not have time to enjoy the small things in life. In 2017, resolve to take a break every once in a while and just relax. To see this resolution through, you can sign up for hobby classes or take simple outings with family and friends.
  3. Getting more organized: This one is common to most New Year resolution lists. Who doesn’t want a clutter-free, organized life? You do, don’t you? So, this New Year, make a conscious effort to clear the clutter at regular intervals from across your home. Have designated spots for everything and ensure the family knows these spots too. Make it a family affair to stay organized.
  4. Taking life as it comes: That is a difficult resolution to follow. We all tend to worry about the future and what will happen next. This year, decide to live life in the present and take things as they come. Your mind will then be at peace.
  5. Helping others: This New Year, be more giving to the community by helping others. You can help out at community centers or schools during holidays or weekends. Helping others will give you a special kind of joy.
  6. Spending more time with family/friends: Work is important. But so is family. In 2017, make time for family and friends from your busy schedule. Go for outings, dinners, movies and make special memories with them.
  7. Quitting a vice: If you drink/smoke then make a decision to quit from New Year onwards. If you find it difficult to quit, seek the help of de-addiction groups.
  8. Travelling more: They say that travel helps you become a better person. In 2017, plan to travel to new destinations and soak up new sights and meet new people.
  9. Getting a pet: Pets are great stress relievers. So, this year, get a pet dog/cat and spend some enjoyable time with them.
  10. Learning something new: Finally, this New Year pick up a new skill. It may be music, painting, swimming, learning to play the piano. Learning something new always perks one up and helps keep your mind active too.